
Tibetan food in Kunming?

nearfuture (1 post) • 0

Hi does anyone know if there is a good place (or any place) to get Tibetan food in Kunming? i really got a taste for it during a recent trip to Sichuan

rbusch (26 posts) • 0

Would like to add my personal recommendation to Makye Ame (top of the list).

The food is excellent (though not cheap). The interior is beautiful and in the evening they provide a superb costumed performance with singing!

Best to go with a group of friends, it will be much more enjoyable.

Watch out for the Yak! ;-)

Natsymir (101 posts) • 0

Makye Ame is not cheap, sure, but certainly not very expensive either. If you avoid the few most expensive dishes, a dinner in Makye Ame'll end up around 60-70 yuan per person, and much less if you don't eat meat. Not that bad for something tagged as 'fine dining'.

Makye Ame's yak meat in nepali spices is the single best dish I've ever had in Kunming, even after more than a year of actively exploring the restaurant scene. It's an absolute must, even now that the yaks in northern Yunnan are sick and eating yak meat might be risky.

gbtexdoc (218 posts) • 0

@Natsymir. above — >>"It's an absolute must, even now that the yaks in northern Yunnan are sick and eating yak meat might be risky."

I didn't know about that. Could you elaborate on what's going on with the northern Yunnan yaks?

Elisa (174 posts) • 0

What time does the show start? I want to make sure my toddler starts eating before getting super distracted :)

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