
An oil refinery factory to be established in Anning

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

So @acdabcd is a hijacker? Better let the gumment know about it.

abcdabcd (428 posts) • 0

congratulations, Liumingke. you are officially also a hijacker because your comment has absolutely nothing to do with the anning refinery.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

As I drove to Lincang 2 weeks ago I can see the construction on the side of the road where they are burying the 2 large pipes (2 feet in diameter) all along the road side. This is clearly for the oil which will brought in from Burma. - www.irrawaddy.org/archives/34326

Ouyang (243 posts) • 0

I guess nobody told East by Southeast that Kunming has moved to chengong...it's even on Google maps. So I guess the government will be safe there anyways.

OceanOcean (1193 posts) • 0

Does anyone know if there were there any protests on 6th June? And/or at Expo? Or was everybody successfully warned off?

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