
Chinese Tourists

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

@dumpling dynasty, I'm somewhat perplexed by your argument. Can you please elaborate on the following?

1. When stereotypes are used to make fun of a group of people how is that not a statement of disdain? As Jon Stewart said of that classic line, "I'm not calling your mother a whore but she has sex for money." The essence of the message is what we are after and not the dancing around with words. Maybe I'm too uptight and missed the joke. Was this thread started as a compliment perhaps?

2. What is the distinction of public or private when regarding the internet. By virtue of your argument all websites, all comments appearing on such and so fourth are private because one had to pull up that URL to access it. Therefor, if I were to start a thread viciously slandering someone, no one can respond with a defence because 1) it is said in private by virtue of it being in a forum online, and 2) the thread is about how so and so is an A-hole and let's keep it strictly to that.

Again, all things are said with all due respect and in the spirit of promoting a rigorous debate and dialogue.


Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

I too have been on the big boat.
I was offered a massage, that i declined. I also saw people in private suites doing karaoke.

misfit (113 posts) • 0

tonyaod I respect your intention to bring your contribution to this topic but the original post and few comments ahead are simply RACIST and should be immediately removed by the moderator.


"Forums that veer wildly off topic, devolve into attacks on individuals or groups of people or use abusive language will be removed at the Moderator's discretion."

you still sleeping?

coonilicious (8 posts) • 0

Has anyone noticed the Chinese news past 2 days about a Chinese kid carving his name on ancient Egyptian relief when he visited Egypt with his parents.

It was quite gruesome to see the big ugly"so and so was here" carved on the sculpture inside of the Luxor temple. People are saying that Chinese have this general obsession to carve their names on wooden or rocky surfaces of archeological sites, temples etc is due to the Monkey King doing the same on Buddha's finger in the book Journey to the West. Speaking about bad, ancient influence! Haha.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Anyone who's visited these sites will know, not just graffiti, but visitors hacking off chunks of the carvings is a perennial problem. Ten years ago this was happening without a Chinese in sight; mostly European and adult tourists from the USA. You can probably still make out the names of numerous states carved on the walls of shame - adults, not children.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

Egypt - Sharia law - cut off his hand...won't make that mistake again...(or at least go through the motions of cutting off his hand)...make him/her poop/pee their pants...

Meanwhile - is China gonna pay (or raise donations) to pay for this kids seriously poor depiction of Chinese tourists as bottom feeding vandalistic scum?

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

I can tell that there was a major accident on the highway between Kunming and Dali because the highway was littered with empty Cup of Noodles.

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