
Rent price change

Gompo (152 posts) • 0

i have a contract until june

real estate landlord sent me sms saying she raises price of 33% from 900 to 1200

1 Is it legal to change price before end contract ?
2 Is there limit in changing rent price before or at end contract ?

3 Did u face such situations ?

Thc !


Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

I suggest you go to the police and show them the contract or get somebody to call the complaint hotline.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

She may mean that she want to increase in June.
If she wants to increase now, you can say no.

If she want to increase it now, she has another tenant waiting already and wants you out.

You can refuse to go, she cannot evict you, even if you don't pay rent, even after the contract runs out. But she can change the locks if you go out. However, expect things to get unpleasant.

Find out which government office deals with this issue., or just threaten to report her to the tax office. This usually works as it is undeclared income, that she should pay tax on.

Ask for fapio/tax invoice (not soju/reciept) for your rent, and ask for it backdated, you won't get them, but she will know you are on to her.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

I agree with tigertiger. "Just move" isn't always an option. Plus if you have a lot of things, it's not cheap to move.

abcdabcd (428 posts) • 0

ok, my apologies for the bad advice.

but i'm not aware of any intermediary agencies in china for settling disputes about rent increases or exceptionally dry burgers or anything else.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

The local street committee may be a place to start. A remnant of the party system, that usually has nothing to do, and may actually be overactive on you part.

Most people laugh at the local street committee as being no longer relevant. However, the kind of people who sit on the street committee are usually busy bodies, who don't like the new middle class (ie, your landlord).

When we lived in Shanghai, we had a set of old people who used to throw the odd bits of trash, and food off of thier balcony. It landed in our small garden on the ground floor. The local management could do nothing to any effect. I suggested to my wife she tried the street committee. One visit form them and the trouble stopped. And so, even though the street committees are an anachronism, they are still a useful tool sometimes.

bjtokm (193 posts) • 0

Good Info, Tiger! I have had no problem over my years of renting apts and renting our apt out in china...but that is good to know!

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

You might want to ask the registration police about this. They have a copy of your contract and the owner's contact info. Assuming they are sympathetic to your plight, one call from them to the landlord could hold off your rent increase till June.

Of course, if the landlord isn't waiting till your contract ends, then they either really want you to leave or some additional cost has occurred on their end. You may have to be willing to pay some additional amount more in rent if you want to stay without any problems.

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