
Kunming Airport- another satisfied customer!

rbusch (26 posts) • 0

No audio and didn't take time to read any comments on the video, but...

Pretty sure he was just upset because he learned he was flying on China Eastern. Just saying..... :-)

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

I think towards the end he is pointing at his boarding pass and saying something like.
"It says boarding at 1400, its 1430"

abcdabcd (428 posts) • 0

there are other videos where a newscaster is commenting for those who speak chinese.

YuantongsiYuantongsi (717 posts) • 0

Looks like the airport police must have been having a dinner in town at the time. Maybe they need to employ ChengGuan not security guards at boarding gates.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

It's as if they are watching a fuckin' movie but instead they are sitting down.

tallamerican (396 posts) • 0

Several problems 1. no communication to customers-airport in Nanching is fogged in so airplane cannot land once in air 2. no sense of reason, we are suppose to take off at 1300 and why the hell would i care what is happening at the other end. 3. cannot get my way so now i am going to cause disturbance and close entire airport 4.unwillingness of police to engage people who have lost it totally (if i watch them long enough maybe they will stop and that way i will not get hurt). In most countries the people responsible would have been dealt with so quickly no one would have even known what happened, let alone had enough time to film this mess.

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

Be honest here, if you had done this at an international airport in most other countries, you would have been tazered at least, but quite possibly shot or at least guns drawn and pointed at you. After such an outburst you would be accused of being a terrorist, held in police custody for a hell of a long time until they were satisfied you weren't a terrorist, then charged with disorderly behaviour, willful damage, potentially assault, threatening and endangering others with a weapon.

In China, this guy will maybe lose his job or be demoted a little bit since he is a govt official.

Danmairen (510 posts) • 0

What kind of "security" is that? Back home this guy would have been tackled by 4 guards, head-locked and cuffed the second he lifted that keyboard.

abcdabcd (428 posts) • 0

maybe they recognized he was a govt official so they didn't want to intervene for fear of any repercussions.

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