
aikido training

Henri (12 posts) • 0

Arrived since a few weeks in Kun Ming.
My wife and I used to do aîkido. We'd like to know if there is a place here
where we can train.

I've heard in the past that there was an aîkido club but I don't where, and if it still exists?
Someone could have some information?

BennyBoy (3 posts) • 0

Hi, we also just arrived in Kunming a few months ago. I also saw the dojo film on youtube, but never found it in real.

I practiced for about 26 years and I used to teach classes and manage an aikido organisation before moving to Kunming. My wife practiced as wel. Not sure about the existence of the dojo here. However, would you perhaps consider having a conversation and assess if we can do some practice outdoors once in a while (weekend, or weekday evening)? No mats for full ukemi but I'm mostly interested in basic practice like taisabaki.

Henri (12 posts) • 0

Hello BennyBoy, your proposal sounds interesting.
We agree to have conversation, and maybe manage an oudoor practice as you said, if it's possible.
You can contact us, if you want. We are currently on vacation, and easily available.

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

I have never practiced Aikido but I would like to start. I have a few years experience in other martial arts.
I was wondering if there is room for one more aikido enthusiast to join the group, or if you find a dojo, to let me know about it.
I'd appreciate it.

Gompo (152 posts) • 0

Hello ! O genki deska ?

I am also interested studying aikido ! i love it ! i could show u some kinomichi movement i had opportunity study under Noro Sensei !

We could start quite fast ! i guess we need mat if we wanted roll but we could do other pactices before !

i know french friend, black belt, also interested !

thank u ! amitofo ! namo guan shi yin busha!

chris8080 (226 posts) • 0

I was wondering why when you see Aikido demonstrations, even at very high levels, it always seems so fake. The attacker is totally co-operative and always comes in with an unrealistic, and easy to defend against, attack - usually an overhead chop or a stepping through reverse punch, which would never be used in a real fight if the attacker knows what they're doing. I'd be more interested in seeing how they would defend against a fast combination of punches and maybe a headbutt. I actually have a lot of respect for Aikido's use of momentum and body dynamics, but what has really switched me off it is that the way it's taught doesn't seem to be that effective for actual realistic self-defense. The only time I've seen what I'd consider as practical Aikido is some videos on YouTube of this bad-ass Russian dude who teaches "Real Aikido". This is just my own (definitely non-expert) impression of what I've seen of Aikido; correct me if I've missed the point.

BennyBoy (3 posts) • 0

Hello Chris8080,
I am sorry: I cannot be of help regarding your question. I practice aikido for very different reasons. My understanding of martial arts is probably too limited so I may be the one missing the point here.

A12345 (102 posts) • 0

I can't post links, apparantly. A google search for 昆明 合气道 gives this result: kmtkd.cn/Article/tqd/kmdg/200903/390.html

300+ students, 10+ black belts, they say.

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