
VPN and Chinese Leadership Change

Willy53 (10 posts) • 0

During the November 2012 Chinese leadership change over my vpn no longer worked. My provider tried to work around it but didn't suceed. So now I am looking for a good vpn service that is not being blocked by the Chinese government.

Anybody out there happy with their vpn? I also want something that has a bit of speed.

lawlz0mg (201 posts) • 0

Not going to provide names of companies, look for vpns that allow port forwarding, and auto port forwarding.

laoshi19 (30 posts) • 0

I've had very good luck with PandaPow.com

They made many changes in their service to keep ahead of the changes that the great firewall was making and they have been very supportive and very good and the prices are good

they are also reached at pandapow.co with no "m"

If you have trouble getting them through the wall try support@pandapow.com

Heniu (33 posts) • 0

Yeah, keep posting in an open forum details about which veepeeens work, how to circumvent DNS blocking etc.

Let's try to compile a complete list with domain names, IP addresses, protocols and ports used by providers, so that the guys who run GFW can go home earlier today (think about their families !) ...

Ouyang (243 posts) • 0

Why not post about it? VPNs are extremely easy to detect traffic wise. What the firewall does most of the time is just send forged packets that say the connection was reset, or it blocks traffic for a minute or two, hoping your VPN software times out.

tallamerican (396 posts) • 0

I have a new problem with my VPN the last 2-3 days. No problems connecting to VPN, but 1-2 minutes after i connect i lose my internet connection, this of course disconnects my VPN and 1-2 minutes later i get my internet connection back. If i try to connect to my VPN again the whole process starts all over again. I have sent an email to my VPN provider but i seem to remember hearing that someone else was having this problem last fall. A never ending battle sometimes?

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

I often lose connection in just a few minutes. At other times it will stay on for many hours. In either case, the log shows there was a change in network connection.

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