
Dating: in Kunming: Foreign and Chinese????????

In Kunming (1 post) • 0

In the past I have seen that many guys have posed personals to date Chinese women. Good for them.

However, are there any foreign women that are looking to date.
If you are please respond to this ad. I look forward to hearing from you. Please be: attractive, healthy, smart and in good shape.
Ages: 20-32.

Chinese women: please feel free to respond as well. I just didn't want foreign women to feel left out.

What I'm looking for: attractive, healthy, smart and in good shape.
Ages: 20-32.

sickness (22 posts) • 0

"Please be: attractive, healthy, smart and in good shape."

HA! Worst pick up line ever! I would be surprised if you got ANY responds to that ad. "Desperate" should be your main title of that one.
At least it started good - you had the right touch. Then that awful ending. But at least it cheered me up. Everyone needs a laugh sometimes.

Liumingke (2 posts) • 0

I agree with sickness. You sound pretty desperate. Change your approach. If you just want to get laid will you can just go to any club and find someone no problem. If you're looking for a foreinger to lay well that approach won't work. Show some class and you have a better chance.

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