
Biking in and around Kunming

wenren (1 post) • 0

Hello there!

We're planning a trip with my in-laws and my husband. We'd like to rent bikes and bike in and around Kunming (to Dianchi Spring Spa Resort). How is biking around Kunming? Is it okay? Dangerous? I'm from NYC so I'm used to biking in a some traffic, but I've been to China before so I know that it can be crazy. What do you think, are we crazy to bike around Kunming?


hedgepig (273 posts) • 0

i ride a lot in and around Kunming. rides that leave town are generally much more relaxing, as traffic can be trying downtown. alertness and self restraint with regard to speed are definitely useful skills.

the obvious route to Dianchi Spring Spa is along Dianchi Lu, which, while not the most pleasant or quiet of rides, is fairly orderly, with cycle path or cycle lane most of the way.

if you're into longer distance cycling, i highly recommend the road from Anning to Fumin, which runs through a verdant river valley. The loop from Kunming thru Anning to Fumin and back to Kunming runs to about 130km.

Xiong Brothers on Beimen Jie rent out bikes.

Penny (10 posts) • 0

i have ridden my bike in NYC before and i'm not sure why, but i think it's much easier to ride in Kunming. Perhaps the cars are slower here, and there seems to be more room for bikes, although you have to share with motorcycles, pedestrians and often cars. The big difference is that we don't have the right of way here. The ride to Dianchi was easy- I went with 2 other girls that don't usually ride bikes.

LaoNaiYangYu (27 posts) • 0

A few observations from riding in KM and being knocked off once or twice:

1. Don't look anyone in the eye - if they know you've seen them, they will assume you're going to stop for them.
2. In the rain, use the road, not the sidewalks which are treacherous when wet.
3. Go a little bit faster than everyone else, (although not too fast). If you're going too slow, people overtake, then cut in on you too soon.
4. If cycling with a friend, do your own thing, don't just blindly follow your friend. Trying to follow a friend draws your attention away from trying not to die.
5. Keep in the middle of the lane. The edges are full of holes, and buses will squeeze you into the kerb.
6. Danger spots are vehicles joining the road from the right. They will come out in front of you without looking.
Also, vehicles will overtake you, then immediately cut across the front of you to turn right. I have seen so many accidents caused like this. Also pedestrians will step off the sidewalk onto the road/cycle lane without looking, especially at bus stops.
7. Above all, assume that anyone around you will do something really, really stupid at any moment, because they will.

For me, riding in KM is a necessary evil. Riding outside KM is fantastic, beautiful scenery, quieter roads, greatly increased life expectancy.

(Oh, and if you leave your bike outside a shop, it won't be there when you get back. Really, it won't.)

emotis (2 posts) • 0

Would anyone be interested in the ride suggested by hedgepig before november 10?

If so, please contact me at: emotis13@gmail.com

cici kong (4 posts) • 0

my friends and i went to ride around dianchi lake in sep. it took a whole day,we came back to kunming at 1am .it's exausted. Dianchi Spring Spa Resort is quite near, just go down along dian chi road, nearby yunnan nationalities village. about 20 km from downtown.dianchi road is good for riding,safety,along side, a lot of new built governent offices. kunming is a small town,ride around it is a better choicen than driving. by the way, when will you go,if i am free, i can go ride with you, if u dont mind.

michalzy (1 post) • 0

i'm a semi proffesional road biker and i'm comming to study in Kunming this October. I wanted to know if there is any road biking team in and around Kunming?

hedgepig (273 posts) • 0

michalzy, you will find good cycling here. however, you will likely have to work at it, and probably also spend some of your time on a mountain bike. road surfaces are generally poor. traffic can be hectic, and the general road-sense of road users and pedestrians is limited.

however, with a carefully chosen route, you will be fine. the tricky part is getting out of town. if you live centrally, you're looking at 10km to get out onto safe(r) roads. in town, it's sensible to keep your speed under 25km/h, if not lower.

Kunming has Dianchi Lake to the south, and while the ride around the lake (about 130km) is doable, it's getting busier traffic-wise these days. to the west, north and to a lesser extent the east, the city is hemmed by mountains, meaning a big bonus if you like hills.

out to the west there are a number of roads with new surface, and there is great rural scenery, including the river valley i mentioned in my post above. i've since learnt of a modification of that route that improves the quality of the ride and reduces the distance to around 110km.

you asked specifically about a team. i've not heard of a road team (i'm sure partly because of the issues i mention) but there are groups who go out on mountain bikes, and asking around in those circles, or checking at Xiong Brothers bike store will likely lead you in the right direction.

sean1sean1 (82 posts) • 0

I'm moving to Kunming August 31st and want to bike a few hundred kilometers a week, maybe in stints of around 80-120 kilos per journey, if anyone wants to join or tell me some good routes, ill take what I can get

NordicWays (1 post) • 0

Hi, there is a road bike race in Yuxi on Sep 5th (2009). It goes 175.5km around Fuxian Lake. If anyone is interested, please go to www.nordicways.com for info and sign up or contact me at ellinor.axner@nordicways.com

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