
Where can I buy some good milk?

2393757439 (4 posts) • 0

The ones they sell in the little bags around the corner tastes funny.

BarbaraBarbara (63 posts) • 0

I agree. I guess it's because it's reconstituted. Metro, Walmart and Carrefour sell imported UHT milk. It's expensive. On the plus side if you buy the small tetrapacks packed in a carton, the unopened tetrapacks are good for months.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

I buy New Zealand Anchor Milk in the tetrapacks, by the caseload. Nice taste and I don't have to worry about product tampering, product dilution, product quality, etc. Metro. Before you buy ANY milk - check the date - thats NOT an expiration date (in chinese) - it's the production run date.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

I've never had a problem with expired milk from metro. The problem now seems to be that they are pushing their own brand imported milk (AKA) which is not as good as the Muhe milk. They only seemed to have AKA and a small number of remaining Devondale last week.
I hope they go back to stocking the others. But they were heavily (over) stocked on AKA.

The UHT does have a funny taste (especially the AKA), but I found that the lower the fat, the less the taste.
But China's loss (Sanlu scare) is the EU CAP Milk Lake's gain. Same may also be true for the wine lake and butter mountain.

colinflahive (167 posts) • 0

we've got chemical-free and hormone-free fresh milk available at Salvador's. It's pretty damn good and at a reasonable price.

2393757439 (4 posts) • 0

Thanks everyone for the response, I'll look in those place! =)

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