
Yunnan mistress scandal

atomic (156 posts) • 0

Yesterday another scandal broke.

A netizen charges that a provincial discipline inspection commission member in Yunnan has been keeping a mistress for years and has done all sorts of illegal things with her. If true, this is the fox guarding, or in this case cavorting in, the henhouse.
网曝云南省纪委官员为情人私搭乱建 纪委正调查-财经网

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

The netizen makes that charge, but has it been proven? It could be someone out to make trouble for the guy.

Also, the link doesn't work (for me).

atomic (156 posts) • 0

It's not so much that public officials have mistresses, it's that they put them on the public teat, that seems to be the problem.

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

I agree with Chingis, only 1 mistress is pretty amazing from some of the stories I have heard... maybe this is the only one that has been found out.

Or maybe he has shown true restraint by only keeping one and is therefore a model citizen compared to those keeping 4 or 5! Can anyone say what were the "illegal things" he did with her? I translated through google translate but stopped when reading "after inspecting the mistresses horse" as I thought the translation might be slightly off, but maybe I am wrong and he has been REALLY naughty with her...

rejected_goods (349 posts) • 0

Oh, illegal, sexual relation, a corrupted official and his mistress and a corrupted horse, is it a stallion or a mare? ...words turn a boring story into....saucy.... Thanks to google. :-)))))) being a corrupted man myself, I was keen to learn on reading the briefing .:-)))) how could one do with a horse?

No, it is just a plain old boring story. No horse really. The only "horse" is, the surname of the woman involved is "", thus a horse. Wasted my time reading the original. :-))))))

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