
Advice on Keeping E-Scooter safe

rejected_goods (349 posts) • 0

You think your bike is safer with a security guard? Here, is what happened to my bike in the Ikea parking lot in Shenzhen. I reported the lost of my bike immediately and gave the police a good description of the bike. The patrol caught the guy in a subway nearby and I got the bike back after three hours of paperwork. To cut a long story short, the police got the guy's mobile phone and found a incoming call tracing back to the guard working on duty at the parking lot. See, an extra pair of eyes for the gang....:-)

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

Shenzhen, a real city with a real civil service. I laugh when I think of anything like that happening in Kunming, except the corrupt guard part.

I assume the Ikea lot was out in the open?

tallamerican (396 posts) • 0

@rejected_goods, a friend put his scooter in a secured lot which had only 5 scooters at the time. When he got into store he remembered his grocery list was under seat of scooter and when he went back to lot not 5 minutes later it was already gone. Figured security guard had called some people waiting. Called police right away and they did not even want to take information, told him their was no chance of finding it anyway.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

Is there a 'lojack' device that you can put on these things. Something that will alert you on your smartphone if your bike is being moved(stolen)?

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

Is there a 'lojack' device that you can put on these things. Something that will alert you on your smartphone if your bike is being moved(stolen)?

rejected_goods (349 posts) • 0

yeah, the shenzhen police is a lot better than kunming in client service, especially in the NanShan area where a lot of overseas chinese and expat live. the police there are more service oriented. the reason being, the people living there know their rights and the correct procedures of putting pressure on the police. one of the 'trick' is, your demand politely a report be filed and a proper copy of the report with official reported number is supplied with the officer's name and signature. if everyone does that, then the crime statistics will properly show up on the map in their patch. they are just people like you and me, they dont like look bad and the boss shxt on them. :-)

the reason why the kunming police doesnt want to know you and just brush you off because they dont want to file yet another "one of those" that makes them look bad. :-)

rejected_goods (349 posts) • 0

@tallamerican, since anyone can be a security guard and the industry basically is not regulated in china, so it is a situation "the guard you can trust is the guard you know." :-)

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