
Cost of living in Kunming

AlexC (5 posts) • 0

My wife and I are considering move to Kunming next year and trying to estimate our future living expenses. We would appreciate some advice. From posts on this forum we now know approximate apartment costs, but not much else... How much would it cost for 2 people living in Kunming for 1 year comfortably? We will have no car, eating out 3-4 times a week. We are not looking for employment, just slower pace of life.

piers (144 posts) • 0

Taxi 10 kuai (2km)
Gas/Elec 200-300 per month
Internet 150 per month
Good Restaurant 80-120 per head
Av. Restaurant 30-60 per head
Noodles/Snack food 4-10
Beer (in bars) 10-25
Wine (s'market) 80-150 (imported)
Beef 25/kg
Chicken 20/kg
Veg very cheap
Cigarettes 4-30

For 1 person (excl. rent) I'd say

2000-3000 per month Budget
3000-5000 per month Average
5000-8000 per month Higher end
8000+ per month Mighty Fine

AlexC (5 posts) • 0

Thanks for the info! This matches our expectations. We think that our budget will put us in the Higher End of the Average category :-)

Amina (29 posts) • 0

We are a family of 2 adults and 2 children from Australia and live in Kunming. We are on a wage of around 7000 so after rent (2,200) month and internet, bills etc we are budgeting around 100 rmb per day. This seems to be working quite well for us and we still allow treats eg coffee and toys, footy classes etc. We eat dinner out 3 or 4 times a week and often get local joutzi or noodles for lunch.
Most of our food shopping is from the local open markets and street sellers. I personally sacrifice my daily cheese, butter avocados for a great Kunming experience!
Our apartment is 3 bedroom and right near Green lakes so we are paying an average-good price for the area and size.
If you arn't partying or shopping in excess then 8000 per month for two adults is definately going to give you a comfortable lifestyle in Kunming.

There are also great wholesale markets (Lou Shi Nan, Huan Cheng Road) eg. I bought my oven for 400 at the wholesale market and it normally sells for 625 at the Metro supermarket!

As they say, when in Rome......do as the Romans do.....
Good luck x

AlexC (5 posts) • 0

As partying and shopping are hardly at the top of our priorities, it appears that we can live in Kunming quite comfortably indeed. Thanks for sharing your experience with us! We hope to see you when we arrive next year!

rlowe (25 posts) • 0

Interesting to see what others are paying. Our budget includes avocados, cheese and organic produce from Metro Market. Massages, occasional movies, dinners and dessert at Silver Spoon Cafe and a beautiful view of Green Lake Park. Not including rent we spend about 7000RMB/month. Rent is an additional 5600/month. This doesn't include any trips or incountry travel.
China is a bit different in the way that they handle their rentals in that you pay for the first six months or entire year in an upfront lump sum. Utilities (gas, water and electric) are paid for semi annually. Telephone and internet are paid monthly.

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