
Suspect fraud employer

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

@filipd, what blacklist would that be exactly? who cares about blacklists? so many people are desperate for jobs they'll take anything.

how bad can the place be if the kids learn to say "doggie" after 1 year?

LouieK (33 posts) • 0

I can't really make a substantial opinion here, but I feel that Facebook normally is intended for private use by the user. Linkedin and Facebook profiles often differ greatly, especially so if the person draws a clear line between his personal and professional life.

At the same time, although the website is nothing cutting edge we have to note that Kunming is still in it's early stages of development. Looking at the bars in the French Concession in Shanghai its easy to see the difference than those on Wenlinjie and that doesn't really say much about if the owner is passionate or not.

The disclaimer on the front page, if honest, seems to also convey that they are a legitimate business — a big up in China. Ofcourse more due diligence is needed.

Anyways, all I'm saying is that to me the Facebook thing can be taken with a grain of salt and the quoted reply is something I see many hiring people talk about. Once you get into hiring people, I admit it does get irritating to hear compensation mentioned in the early stages even if you offer excellent packages.

A law firm in New York, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, offers highly lucrative packages but makes it publicly known they look down on compensation seekers — no one asks about bonuses in the first round interview ha ha.

filipd (12 posts) • 0


I am the owner of a teacher training company here in Kunming (I'll leave it up to you to figure out which one). We will be publishing a white / black list of schools in the next few weeks and providing this information to our graduates.

People are desperate? Where? In Kunming? I know teachers who name their price and never work below their own set standard, but as anywhere you have those with High School diplomas, no formal training and little experience who will work for a pittance. Those who are educated, qualified and experienced teach for a lot more money...and never need to worry about finding work.

Ouyang (243 posts) • 0

It's not a scam. I know people who work there. The pay is relatively low so he's probably tired of people asking about it. Though obviously he shouldn't be rude about it.

And in reply to this:

the site looks likes a practical joke:

1 year language timeline:
The first words begin to be heard, including words for specific people (mama) and objects (doggie).

Uh, how many 1 year old babies do you know who can talk? In the US anyways most babies just begin to speak at around 12 months.

I do agree the website definitely needs an artist.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

Yeah but if they're taking in 2-month old babies, is that a language school or a babysitting service?

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

He must be reading, the website seems to be down.

Perhaps not a fraud employer, but potentially not a place I would want to work at. It sounds like they will be cost focussed and quality of teacher will come second.
If there is a fault with someone who asks about pay, not an unreasonable question, then if there is any other problem it will not be seen by management as their fault. Been there, done that, got the 'T' shirt.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

I was thinking that a crappy interview experience, un-glitzy website, and a questionable personal website, does not necessarily equate to an outright fraudulent employer - just an abrasive interview with a possibly immature interviewer, obviously over-focused on keeping costs down.

If the school is a legitimately operating school that merely pays low salaries - I fail to see the fraud - merely two people with diametrically opposed goals resulting in a seriously failed negotiation.

I suggest we consider our flames more carefully before pulling a blacklist trigger - except in the case of MANY Kunming taxis who rightfully deserve to be blacklisted, fined, suspended, banned etc, as their frauds are self-evident.

LouieK (33 posts) • 0


I understand your reasons for creating a white/blacklist since you are running a teacher training company. This would create leverage for you and your customers (teachers you train) in the job market, which would in turn help your own business development.

However, I would be wary of jumping to conclusions because they may tarnish your reputation in the future. I am not sure whether abcdragons is legitimate or not, but putting them on a "blacklist" for fraud based on your initial impression and publicizing it could be defamation.


oriohz (1 post) • 0

Not so much fraud but high stress. I worked there for a short while this last year and I still know people who do. Glad I don't anymore! The employer is constantly screaming at his Chinese employees and arguing with the teachers. The teachers there are always walking on eggshells to avoid a ticking time bomb. I'm no medical expert, I would say the closest description of the environment you will living in is possibly filled with paranoia and bipolar episodes. I heard from another teacher who worked there in the past that he has threatened to withhold monthly pay from other teachers. You can check out the situation for yourself, but I would advise you to decide carefully! Pay is low and conditions (stress) awful.

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