
soy sauce and other condiments without msg

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Why do people continually use the magic word Conspiracy rather than saying Truth or Lie? Is anything stated above Not true? Anyone who took a basic biology or chemistry class in high school will know it is True and that MSG is NOT safe.

ShiFang (9 posts) • 0

I wholeheartedly agree with HFCAMPO. If you are actually interested in broadening your horizon and non-biased information, just read some books on health issues written by respected academics like the China Study by T. Colin Campbell (Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University). He also goes into detail about his personal experience as a member of various panels alongside lobbyists for the big food companies.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

Uh, I'm not a big fan of msg. And no matter what, like any food additive it should be labeled if it's part of anything (which is the case for most western countries).

But it is safe. According to wiki, less lethal than salt. Also, in a double blind study, "There was only one reaction, and it was to the placebo in a self-identified MSG-sensitive individual"

You can bash msg if you like, but bash it cause you don't like the taste or it makes you get headaches or gassy. But you can't bash it as something toxic. Too much salt will kill you faster than too much msg.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Wiki is a mouthpiece of the NWO, just like most other big media. Very biased and never truthful. It is a good source of general info but it is Not a medical journal.

MSG is not always labeled because again it is deceptively masked. There is a list of 50 other names that are used to disguise MSG and most people do not know these names.

Headaches, loss of sleep, dry mouth, thirst, diarrhea are just a few of the visible signs of MSG toxicity. Ever wonder what is happening inside your body on a cellular level? Another lie is that a few people are sensitive to MSG. On the contrary, most people are sensitive but they are not aware of the effects because they are accustomed or have built a tolerance.

If you can find 100 people who are 100% MSG free (Impossible) and you give them MSG for the first time, they will all experience one or more of these toxic effects. toxic= it is not normal to get a headache, or become thirsty from food. Why do people accept this as normal?

Excitotoxicity means just what it says - toxic. To site any study done is pure ignorance because ALL (not some) studies are not scientific. Any results that do not meet their requirements are merely dismissed. Many such cases to find to anyone who can research a little.

FDA is a corrupt govt agency that is in bed with the companies they serve. Again, a few minutes of research will prove this.

The overabundance of information on the internet has made people lazy and most just Repeat what they read although it has no basis in reality. Because the media is one sided people rarely see the other side of an issue.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

Oh! You people.

If I was in government I would feed as many conspiracy theories as I could. That way there is so much misinformation that nobody can take the conspiracy theorists seriously. One day the conspiracy theory brigade will stumble across some serious big secret, and guess what? No one will believe them.Ta! Da!.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0


Wiki just like other big media? You can hold your idiotic conspiracy theories, but don't hate and misinform on Wiki. They run the 6th most popular website on the planet with less than 20 people and have to beg for money all the time from piecemeal donations from small donors. The founder could of sold out for billions anytime in the last few years, but constantly struggles just to keep wiki ad free (there aren't even side google text ads on the site).

Also a double blind study is an amazingly powerful medical research tool. Few drugs ever survive a double blind study.

tommann (423 posts) • 0

HFCAMPO I did not mean to say that I do not believe that MSG affects you negatively. I am 100% sure that it does indeed affect some people. While my position is that it is not as generally harmful as people tend to believe, I know that different things affect people in different ways. I am sorry that you have bad effects from MSG, and I apologize if I sounded like I was trying to say you do not. Good luck with your quest to avoid it!

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Alex, you took a few weeks for travel and you came back and lost your mind. You should know by now that I do NOT address my comments to anyone here directly but again you choose to address me driectly and make comments such as my idiodic conspiracy theories. You can write anything you like on this forum just do NOT attack other people or address people directly unless you want them to address you directly.

Who cares that Wiki is the 6th most popular website. Does that make them unbiased or truthful? I don't think so. I believe Lady Gaga is also popular so I guess everything she says must be true. If you measure truth by popularity then you have much to learn about life.

Try to speak without using the term conspiracy theory. A basic philosophy 101 course will teach you the basic Arguement and Fallacy that most ignorant people use when they are losing a debate - Argumentum ad hominem - Remember, that if you are trying to prove a point you must present Relevant evidence to support your thesis. Popularity is not proof of truth.

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