
soy sauce and other condiments without msg

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

dr. mercola is an md/scientist. his views don't carry more weight, but is an example that not all scientists agree that msg is healthy.

sorry, cannot provide a link to back up WHO claim. so claim may be false. ha ha. hey, i'm no scientist man! haha

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

@blue, as I have said, not claiming to be an expert on MSG, however, I am an expert on looking things up

online and thinking critically. FYI:

Monosodium glutamate (MSG, also known as sodium glutamate) is the sodium salt of glutamic acid, one of

the most abundant naturally-occurring non-essential amino acids.

Processed free glutamic acid (MSG) is created when protein is either partially or fully broken apart into

its constituent amino acids, or glutamic acid is secreted from selected bacteria. A protein can be broken

into its constituent amino acids in a number of ways (autolysis, hydrolysis, enzymolysis, and/or

fermentation). When a protein is broken down, the amino acid chains in the protein are broken, and

individual amino acids are freed.

Monosodium glutamate, also known as MSG or sodium glutamate, is a sodium salt of the non-essential amino

acid glutamic acid. MSG occurs naturally in many foods and scientists originally extracted this sodium

salt from seaweed. In manufactured food products, you will typically find MSG labeled as yeast extract,

hydrolyzed vegetable protein, HVP, or autolyzed protein.

What does chiefly animate Japanese soups and broths is an amino acid called glutamate. In the best ramen shops it's made naturally from boiling dried kombu seaweed; it can also come from dried shrimp or bonito flakes, or from fermented soy. More cheaply and easily, you get it from a tin, where it is stabilised with ordinary salt and is thus monosodium glutamate.

monosodium glutamate (MSG), also called monosodium L-glutamate, or sodium glutamate, Monosodium glutamate (MSG) [Credit: Sage Ross]white crystalline substance, a sodium salt of the amino acid glutamic acid, that is used to intensify the natural flavour of certain foods. MSG was first identified as a flavour enhancer in 1908 by Kikunae Ikeda of Japan, who found that soup stocks made from seaweed contained high levels of the substance. His discovery led to the commercial production of MSG from seaweed; it is now produced using a bacterial fermentation process with starch or molasses as carbon sources and ammonium salts as nitrogen sources.


So blue, feel free to repute any or all of these sources. In addition, I shall restate my initial position for which you might have misunderstood. I did not say MSG is safe or healthy nor do I discount the fact that some people do have an sensitivity to MSG and thus are more prone to suffer some after effects. I merely questioned Magnifico's claim that MSG, a natural substance, (produced by yeast in modern manufacturing process) is less safe than artificial presertives and flavorings.

In addition, while looking up some information for you, I found this:

"Suzuki brothers began commercial production of MSG in 1909 as Aji-no-moto ('essence of taste')" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monosodium_glutamate


"Ajinomoto's main product, monosodium glutamate (MSG; グルタミン酸ナトリウム) seasoning, was first marketed in Japan in 1909, having been discovered and patented by Kikunae Ikeda. He found that the most important compound within seaweed broth for common use was actually a glutamate salt, which he identified with the taste umami, a word meaning 'pleasant taste' or 'savoriness'. As the simplest such salt for human consumption, the popularity of MSG helped the company rapidly expand to other countries, with Ajinomoto U.S.A., Inc. established in 1956." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajinomoto

So, your assertion that MSG was not being consumed until 1954 is incorrect. My initial memory of it being used for a hundred years was correct. So perhaps you are not as informed about MSG as you are claiming.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

i claimed it was (possibly) less safe because people have reported more severe immediate reactions allegedly linked to msg.

but the jury is still out.

ps. aspartame was banned twice by the FDA, then later became legal. so is it safe?

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

Oh, Mag, now you are back peddling and softening your stance. You had said in the definitive:

"...and (arguably, but difficult to prove) msg is worse for health."

There were no quantifiers in your original statement.

And BTW, having re-read the entire post, no one once claimed all scientists agreed that MSG is safe. In fact it would be an almost impossibility for all scientists in the world to agree upon any thing. I'm sure I can dig up a scientists somewhere that states water is dangerous. So your post is just a whole lot of talking out loud to yourself?

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

delete. remove. edit.

i haven't softened my stance. i think msg is worse than many other additives and i try to avoid it.

but i can't prove it.

and i think it's precisely because scientific studies often contradict each other that we need to rely on our gut feelings about things sometimes rather than wait for science to prove or disprove everything.

and....look out for "Interplanetary Unusual Attacking Team", the new Guardians of the Galaxy film renamed in chinese ... and my next user ID.

blue. (170 posts) • 0

Tony, you're superficial copied and pasted researched don't impress me; maybe cause I have researched much more in last 5-6 years. Good that you think guys that MSG, maybe is not so good to human being, you're acute. So which points are you showing up? web knowledge? or just time to spend on web? trolling? what's the point? Magnifico?

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

the reason i bumped the thread is because i was looking for a stir fry recipe and came across a soy-free recipe, so i thought some people out there might be interested. ie like the OP who cannot find a soy sauce without msg and insists on not eating msg.

but arguably, bbq sauce is just as bad or worse. but anyway, clearly some people are still interested in debating this topic.

out of curiosity, what research have you done blue? i've read articles where people make claims msg is bad, but none seem to back up their claims.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

Interesting, blue. If you have indeed researched it for the last 5-6 years, then perhaps you would like to share your research data and provide an objective and unbiased analysis of MSG. And if you can present it using clear language and sentence structure, it would be more convincing. In the meantime though, I'm more prone to believe the websites I referenced above as having more authority on the subject than some random guy on the internet claiming to have researched a subject for 5-6 years and yet couldn't get his timeline right.



@Magnifico, so, is MSG POSSIBLY worse or it IS worse? There two are mutually exclusive.

blue. (170 posts) • 0

Tony maybe you're wrong.

1)I'm not interested in sharing with some trolls my acquired knowledge.
2) I don't need to convince nobody
3) good that you think that MSG is a natural substance just cause wiki says,

4) research doesn't mean copy and paste, means also do experience on your skin,
5) I spent recently so much time to discuss about this topic on a blog of fake (paid) scientists...so I'm not interested putting my energy in some post that sounds like...I found this shitty recipe, no using soy sauce..I'm happy this is interesting to you guys, too".
6) wow, you really have nothing to do!!!

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0


1) Likewise, a troll doesn't acquire knowledge so I doubt you have anything to share anyway, just blowing a lot of hot air

2) See #1

3) Obviously you are either blind or have selective vision, I have provided links to multiple reputable sources stating in essence, the same thing.

4) So the reporting of other people's research are not valid? Every person needs to conduct their own experiment in order to accept it? So all scientific literature is unreliable because you or I did not personally perform these research and saw the results with our eyes. Ludicrous (and I don't mean the rapper)

5) With your eloquence, I doubt the discussion went very deep or far. And for someone not "interested putting [your] energy in some post" you sure are spending a lot of time reading and responding to posts.

6) See #5

and might I add a

7) Having read your past posts, I can conclude that you are a fraud, claiming to be something you are not. Fill with hot air and nothing more. You are not a former Chef from Shanghai, nor did you do any real research on MSG for the last 5-6 years. Nigga please.

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