
Recieving parcels from abroad!

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

Got a package from the US today. It was under 4lbs and sent 1st class US mail. It took 13 days.

A big surprise was that it was delived to my home. Never had anything sent by US mail delivered to my home before.

tom_a_te (6 posts) • 0

I was lucky too! My parcel from new zealand just arrived today and it was delivered to my house! Took a bit longer though, about 17 days!

I guess maybe because there was a customs declaration on the parcel and it's signed as gift. But I don't know... Anyway still waiting for the one from the US...

jpreezey (23 posts) • 0

Did the international post office move? I went down there the other day on Beijing road and it said international post office on the door, but it was gutted and looked like it was under renovations.

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