for the last few days I'm having problems with my VPN. I have Freegate and until now it worked perfectly. I tried to fix the problem by updating the software which normally helps, but this time it didn't.
does anyone have similar problems or know if china tighten up the rules on the great firewall?
Freegate does work. You just have to keep clicking the 'search again' button from time to time until you see the servers A-D show the connection percentage again.
Just to clarify- Freegate is not a VPN.
VPNs run much smoother than Freegate, even Youtube is not a problem.
The only downside- you have to pay for it (depending on the provider, it's from 7 to 15$/month)
Also, if you have a smartphone- some VPNs run on them without any problems.
YUP. i think everyone in KM is having similar problems with FG right now. i expect it will last for a couple of weeks and then be ok again. i'm getting used to it at any politically sensitive or unstable time.
thanks. so i will just have to wait :)
I have used the vpn go trusted for the last 2 years while in china. Have never had any problems until the last 2 days. Works for a while then kicks out, freezes up and has been messing up my wifi after i have to shut it down. Also have been having a hard time getting onto gokunming website. Took me more than an hour to get into site tonight.
Maybe the problem is something else. Router? Internet? Is it raining?
I am also having VPN problems logging onto a corporate network in the west for work. The connection keeps being cut intermittently, which started 2 days ago...
Hahaha, yeah the rain... dream on!
You'll probably never heard of a new technology the gov bought from tech-companies from the US (yes it's the country which is mostly against censorship). They even can sniff into packages and cut VPN connections, so good luck with your "cheap" VPN providers in the future.