
Chinese Valentine's Day

ritta (26 posts) • 0

Today (August 23) is Chinese Valentine's Day, also known as QIXI, have you prepared some love gifts for your sweetheart ? how do you want to spend the special day with her/ him? go to cinema? romantic candlelight dinner? or go to park?


HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • -1

Ritta - Glad to see that someone cares about this. It is unfortunate that many young chinese people pay more attention to Feb 14 (western) rather then their own holidays. Feb 14 is very commercialized so more people are reminded of this day as opposed to 7/7. I wish China can Forget or Ignore Feb 14 altogether. Same goes for Xmas and Santa Claus.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • +1

Everyday you should treat your 'special someone' well, special. It burns me up when guys buy flowers, presents and candy on this day and treat their girlfriends/boyfriends or husband/wife like shit the other 364 days.

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

@Liumingke 1234
Agreed...doesn't matter if the Chinese (pretty commercial and made up, as well) or the Western holidays. It's not about the calendar when you love your partner. I recommend appreciation all year through, not a magic potion but keeps BOTH happy, for the time it lasts.

sezuwupom (44 posts) • 0

Insightful comment by Liumingke1234 from seven years ago.

Explains the heavy traffic in shopping areas tonight. For marketing departments, any opportunity to get consumers an excuse to spend is godsend. Pull tacky folklore out of a hat if you must.

Not to diminish this Qixi Chinese folk tale, which predates Shakespearean Romeo & Juliet by 1,000 years.

Here it goes:

"The tale of the cowherd and the weaver girl is a love story between Zhinü (織女; the weaver girl, symbolizing the star Vega) and Niulang (牛郎; the cowherd, symbolizing the star Altair).

Their love was not allowed, thus they were banished to opposite sides of the heavenly river (symbolizing the Milky Way).

Once a year, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month (today August 7, 2019), a flock of magpies would form a bridge to reunite the lovers for one day..."


cloudtrapezer (756 posts) • 0

And the weaver girl. Why assume she spent all the other days at her loom with no fun?

JanJal (1244 posts) • +1

Why assume they had fun every other day at all.

Perhaps they were forced into separate marriages out of Confucian filial piety, and this was the only day in year that they could put that aside and follow their hearts (or lust).

Sounds more realistic anyway.

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