There are some old posts about people getting together to play Ultimate Frisbee. Does anyone have any more recent information about people getting together to play?
There are some old posts about people getting together to play Ultimate Frisbee. Does anyone have any more recent information about people getting together to play?
I'm also interested! Any pick up? Or even a tossing buddy?
Two unfortunate word choices, LOL.
Yo you guys, we have pick up & practice every sunday at Kun ming Medical university (昆明医学院) at 430pm. the field is at the intersection of 环城西路 and 人民西路。 feel free to join us!. here is my email : i could send you a map in case you have trouble finding it. or call me or shoot me a message via 15887040804
that info above is a little old, we now play at the tourism college. 4:30pm-ish to sundown. We play Wednesday and Sunday now
Current email: