
Residence/visa family/permanent

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

Ref. the family residence permit valid 5 years.

I have been married to a Chinese national and resident for over 5 years.

Does anyone have experience of getting one of these residence permits in Kunming, my other option is to do it in another city.

If you wish to be more private, please use the PM system.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

The PSB Visa office on Beijing Lu (we all know the place, right?) has instructions for permanent residence visas in the poorly maintained pamphlet stand, to the right of the door as you walk in (unless they've remodeled).

The staff are allegedly all new - so MAYBE you might actually have a shot if you follow the printed rules.

Also - married for 5 years doesn't count - living here for 5 years is what counts.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

I am both married and resident for over 5 years.

I don't know the place on Beijing Lu. I haven't used it myself yet. All that stuff has been handled by others in the past, whilst in Kunming.

Where on Beijing Lu is it, please?

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

After you find the office on Beijing road ( I leave that up tp you) you ask someone at the desk to allow you to go up to the 14th floor of the adjacent building. That is the main office of the PSB. They will give you a permission slip so you can enter the building. There you will ask someone to give you a copy of the regulations for a 5 year residence permit. I already did this but my copy is old so now it is your turn.

The paper in the lobby that Laotou mentioned is not the complete copy. It is just a guideline but does NOT have specific instructions.

The copy is about 6-7 pages long. It will detail all the things you need to do. Finances, local records check from Home country and other things.

After you get the new copy, I hope you can share with the rest of us.

Good luck.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

OK thanks for the info. I will try that when I return in November and let people know how I got on.

I would still like to hear from anyone who has done it.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

It's the building with the 109 at the top. Search the forums - someone's bound to have written the phone number AND address in Chinese. All the taxi drivers know the place. If they don't, they're lying.

Thanks - guess I'll need to make that trip also...

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