

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0


We have to consider a non American point of view, as well. Are we talking internationally? where many of the U.S. problems don't exist, at least not in that form or depth.

So is it a big pharma? or a government problem? or solution?

Is there then still a big pharma's try to go for the world domination? while most of the problem is based in the U.S. which could equally be linked to the U.S. financial.. or -regulatory and - law system.

And surprisingly places with universal health-insurance, have less health problems [including vaccination complications] or the urge to sue, which is equally possible but not always necessary as the state can step in. financially, if not covered by insurance, regulatory up to shutting down a company and comprehensible laws, limiting the powers of a big corporation.

Question is, is the U.S. the best example for those statements. I would say no. The powers those companies have in the US are not [always] there in other places of the world.

E.g. Proctor and Gamble was sued by the Chinese gov. for people having "too white teeth" on their toothpaste package. Tiny example and it was peanuts for what they filed, but it shows that some countries can and will persecute.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

For those who can not read or lack comprehension skills I will repeat again from my previous post.

What most people fail to realize is that everything that is now taking place in the US and will continue to happen will also take place all over the world via the UN (WHO).

Also, Agenda 21 which started in the US is now law in the UN.

Example - water used to be a basic human right but the UN has decided it is no longer a right but a comodity. For those who can understand english, do you really understand the implications made by this new LAW.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

Govt protects big business in many circumstances. That IS a definite conspiracy.

But please re-iterate ALL the conspiracies you think are behind vaccines.


Injecting Transformers up people's butts?

Two Wongs don't make a White.

Your logic has to be contained. Not let loose like a bunch of wild horses.

One conspiracy is true does not imply any and all conspiracies are true.

You are a disgusting fat body!

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Govt protects big business in many circumstances. That IS a definite conspiracy.

The best part of you ran down your mothers leg and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress - FMJ

Since you agree that this is a conspiracy - can you tell me of another conspiracy.

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

I read from the last post, that it implies that we must agree with the posters opinion?

I have to point out that the WHO is not mandatory and not law-giving. And states have the right, not to follow the WHO recommendations.

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

Governments help big companies for many reasons, not only for NWO and conspiracies.

they sometimes go over board, no questions but not all do.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

"Since you agree that this is a conspiracy - can you tell me of another conspiracy."

Yeah, we can do down that rabbit hole.

1 - Religion
2 - Moon Landing? Could be a hoax. Not sure.
3 - Education system has some conspiracies in it.

4 - The way cities are designed


Five Ways We Design Our Cities to Make Them Inhospitable to Human Life

5 - Conspiracy movement itself is a conspiracy, to some extent. Because like religion, it preys on people's fear. Alex Jones works for The Man and one of his main roles is to keep people in fear. 80% of what he says is probably not true.

P.S. How tall are you campo? I didn't know they stacked shit that high! Ha ha ha!

neddy (277 posts) • 0

Jenny McCarthy said so. And if anyone in this world is a medical expert, it is her.

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