

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

Ocean, if you become retarded, don't say we didn't warn you!

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

big [fake] measles outbrake (more than 150 cases) with one [fake] dead kid. a few more. (fake) kids are still in the (fake) hospital. a few (fake) kids reported, that they can.t take the (deadly at best) vaccines. so what should they do?

look campo it is great that you want to warn us through fear mongering mass media. but don.t mix conspiracy with reality.
is measles a children disease? yes!
is it harmless?...if you are lucky...maybe!
is the reason doctors (some also having kids) vaccinate, because of a world domination scheme?....NO!...it.s a simple risk assessment.

is the vaccine more harmful than the measles or carries more potential risk?....Not a chance in hell!

HFCAMPO ....do you have kids?

p.s. MSM media for sure isn.t always the best choice for news (at least in america) but disclose tv and other alien-reporting-/strange-deepsea-monster..-discovered websites. telling you "how to get any girl with THIS simple trick"...-are not a better source just because they feed another kind of fear.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

As I understood measles - it was actually BETTER to contract the illness as an adolescent, as it's effects on adults are much more dangerous.

That being said - the MMR vaccinations are mandatory for K12 in China.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0


the CAMP-TERMINATOR will never admit he's wrong about anything. you're talking to a brick wall.

after having read many conspiracy sites, i came to the conclusion that there is some truth to some of the conspiracies, but there is also a lot of fear-mongering going on. i would say at least 70% are fear-mongering, if not 99%.

just google alex jones, the king of conspiracy. just before Y2K, he was telling everyone the world would end.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

That was my understanding as well. How things have changed.

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

@laotou and liuming
nothing has changed except that now there is a vaccine. when i was a boy i got the measles and i was fine but also a kid died of it, in our town. the measles bear a higher risk when you are an adult. the problem is the same.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

yeah but why do you trust disclose.tv any more than the CDC? is your mother the CEO?

the only 'truth' i can discern from that video you just linked is that the narrator looks like a monkey's ass.

disclose.tv - bullshit revealed

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

It's funny that HFCAMPO doesn't believe in any media outlet but eats the BS on disclose.tv without a doubt. Like literally believes all its content.

Just listenting to that very redneck voice. I could find just by listening once, of how much error and BS is in there.

Plus didn't the CDC started the investigation, exposing the outbreak of a still unknown bacteria, for a still unknown purpose. Wouldn't that be a good thing, blowing the whistle on it....??

Do you know how many scientist are dealing with bacteria and viruses in universities? How are people supposed to study those if they are never able to see them and do hands-on research.

And yes, to create a vaccine you do need life viruses and bacteria, i don't think that is a big secret.

So to get even to a considerably truthful level, the linked "monologue" is far too vague and literally bears no evidence. rather that a monkey got sick in a college lab.

But I am looking forward to hear more, which I am almost certain won't happen. Not because it is being swept under the rug, but cause it is nothing of major importance. or let alone true, as claimed by disclose.tv.

BTW. have you noticed that the disclose font looks identical with the discovery channel-logo.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Like a dog with a bone - just wont let go - should get the rabies vaccine. They just eat up the lies the Govt feeds them - No need for a police state when you have such over zealous gatekeepers. Govt lackeys.

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