

valérie03 (3 posts) • 0


I'm coming in Kunming for two years in august, and I plan to travel all around the province during my stay, as well as in different cities of China. I am presently wondering If I do take or not the rage vaccine and the Japanese encephalitis one. What do you think about that? I am planning to visit some areas rather rural, but I would highly prefer not to have it If the risk is not to high... Thank's!

OceanOcean (1193 posts) • 0

Does anyone know the address of Kunming's "Centre for Disease Control". I went there a few years ago and they had a variety of vaccinations available (for a proce).

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

For Yunnan, you can skip the Japanese encephalitis vaccine.

Rage (rabies) vaccine would be an individual choice. I would recommend it, as there are wild dogs and unchained guard dogs that do bite people. I have been bitten and my friend has been bitten in separate incidences, in both semi-rural settings. The treatment after being bitten is unpleasant if you're worried you will catch rabies.

I would get a booster vaccine for tetanus-diphtheria if you haven't had one since a child. As it's not actually lifetime immunity, but effective for ten years.

The hepatitis A and B vaccine again are an individual choice, but if you plan on traveling through China for that long a period, would recommend those too.

OceanOcean (1193 posts) • 0

Thanks @blueice, but no, it was a "CDC" centre I went to. Somewhere just south of the West/East Towers area. Thanks though.

OceanOcean (1193 posts) • 0

@ HFCAMPO That's the one. Thank you. I'm travelling to Bangladesh (hopefully), so need the works!!

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