

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

Some people may have forgotten the password they made up when they registered for GoK. Why go looking for it when you don't have to yet? I forgot since I let my browser log in for me. If I hadn't of guessed/recalled it by the third try, I probably would of just stayed unverified till I had a more pressing reason.

GoK decided to be unobtrusive about it for existing users, which shows a lighter touch. But it does mean a lot of people don't know about it. No one got an email or big flashing window saying "Hey, you might want to verify" And only power users would take notice by themselves.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Like me - you guessed/recalled and got yourself verified. You got the job done, you took the time, and you accomplished the mission. For this reason, I trust you more then I would someone who has not verified yet. Somehow, I trust or feel safe that you are NOT using any of these aliases.

1 - ExpatGuy
Deleted without notification
2 - Fitzgerald
Deleted without Notification
3 - meismandarin
BANNED USER May 13, 2012
4 - crazy,laowai
BANNED USER June 19, 2012
5 - My3rdFakeGoKMAcct
Locked Thread

I am not a computer guru so there is much I do not know. I am just a retired jarhead who calls a spade a spade. I wonder why these people do this. Are they just bored because they are losers and have no life? Are they trying to put a virus on my computer when I reply? Are they trying to steal my identity or access my bank account? Are they people with mental disorders? I don't know. And because I do not know, I do not feel safe and I do Not trust. I remember when GoKunming was a great forum to get and share information and to develop friendships with other expats. This is no longer the case because a few bad apples have spoiled the whole bunch. Perhaps I am too sensitive or perhaps a few others feel the same way I do.

blueice (73 posts) • 0

it seems an email notification about this would have been nice as i wouldn't have noticed the verification if it weren't for hugo starting this thread...

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

HFCAMPO - you shouldn't trust people more because they have a GoKM verified email account as email accounts can be created simply and never used again. I could create an email account in about 5 minutes, verify my GoKM and look "safer", but I might still be spam. What I am trying to say is don't put too much trust into GoKM's or any website that requires email verification as its easy to get around. What it DOES do is lessen the likelihood of spam and ensure passwords can be reset easily.

And don't worry - people aren't trying to access or steal your computer/bank account on your computer by putting up useless info on GoKM. The trick with this is: never click on a link or install anything on your computer that looks suspect, whether the link/info appears on GoKM or anywhere else on the web. All the information and website functionality in the www.gokunming.com site is under GoKM's control so you can trust it pretty well. GoKM COULD have its security compromised (I remember the site was hacked a year or so ago), but its not likely and would be fixed pretty quickly.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

So......is @HFCAMPO now the Chengguan of non-verified e-mail forum users? Are we going to get badgered and chased until we verify?

The bottom line is, verifying e-mails is only a tool to limit the impact and spread of spammers but by no means is it a silver bullet. It's like a speed bump, it's a hassle but if you are really determined, you don't have to slow down.

Verified e-mail has nothing to do with security and you shouldn't trust anyone anymore purely based on having an verified e-mail, to do so would be plain folly.

BTW, I verified as a sign of respect and support for the wonderful work and service GKM has provided me over the years and not to get special treatment or to set myself apart.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

I agree with you - Blueice, Blobbles and Tony in all that you wrote above. I also understand that this verification is NOT the end all to save all. Like you said, it is a tool. The people I do NOT trust are those who do NOT verify, not those of us who have verified as a sign of respect and support to all other users and the staff.

This is not about Trust - it is about the lack of trust. I trust those who verify and I dont trust those who do not. Transparency! Those who verify have nothing to hide. I trust some here not only because of the verification but also because of the content of previous posts and the ability to write a correct and complete sentence in english. I don't need to be the Chengguan of verification because the staff is taking care of this by themselves. As I have contacted Yereth privately, I am well aware that several Bots and spammers have been banned, and numerous idiotic threads have been locked in the last few days. So I know they are doing their part to help this forum be free of those troublemakers.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

@HFCAMPO, there is a fine line between vigilance and being over zealous. However, I'm not saying you have crossed it. I was at first amused at how serious you were taking this issue and was poking fun at your expense. I do apologize for that.

Having said that, having a verified e-mail means squat because an e-mail in no way identifies an actual individual. An e-mail account has the same weight as a forum account, both could be created out of thin air. So this trust issue is an non requiter.

Mark edwards (9 posts) • 0

hugo, are you leading a happy life in kunming now? Are you? Really?

Mars316 (24 posts) • 0

What does this Verification mean? Does it need uploading the copy of the passport to get verified?
I've been using this account more than 2 years.
I witnessed what happened on this forum today. something other users dont know. something ugly but true.
Hugo, I know you, kunming is small.

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