
Anyone replace a Chinese style with Western Toilet

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

I was wondering if anyone has replaced a Chinese style toilet with a Western one?

What were the costs? Any problems? Any other advice or suggestions?

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

Actually, I was wondering if someone has replaced a Western toilet with a Chinese squat toilet.

Sorry for being anal, but squatting to poop seems to be the better way to go about the stinky business.


some benefits to squatting:

1 - Squatting opens up the recto-anal angle, allowing the squatter to be a bit more lax when handling business. Sitting down to poop, on the other hand, constricts the passageways and requires more straining to push things through. (ie less constipation with squatting)

2 - Hemorrhoids are another fixture of Western society that don't enjoy the same prevalence in "squatting" countries.

Texas Boy (117 posts) • 0

There is a device to allow you to instantly turn your squattie-pottie into a sit-down one.

It is a toilet seat stool that fits right over your squattie-pottie. It is handy in that it also folds up so you can take it camping with you.

It is a great device for Westerners who have a hard time bending their knees. I know Wal-Mart used to sell them.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

You need a good worker who will do the job right. Main problem is that when they install the new western toilet, they dont seal the old large whole properly and then you have leaking into the neighbors ceiling. Then you have to pay someone else to do it all over again.
I watch workers all day because they want to save on materials. They will do a (8:1) sand:cement mix and they fill it with broken brick to use less cement. This is worthless because the sand and brick absorb water and it will leak 1 year later.

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