
Pizza da Rocco

crazy.laowai (242 posts) • 0

I ate at Pizza da Rocco today. they make their own fresh pasta. I had the mushroom gnocchi, and it was delicious. I would have thought it excellent even outside of China. Anyone else ever had their pasta?

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

I couldn't help notice that you've reviewed practically every western restaurant in the past week. You will be THE culinary expert on Kunming dining soon if you aren't already.

debaser (647 posts) • 0

Crazy.laowai, this sort of thing goes in the reviews section. I see you've done that so no need to repeat it here.

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

But this isn't cool crazy.laowai... the reviews section is definitely the place for this, repeating information is bad form. Recommend deleting this thread to GoKM admins (with confirmation from crazy.laowai) to avoid duplication of data.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

the guy likes food. and he likes to talk about food. hey crazy, how much do you spend on restaurants in a week? by the way, the owner of that restaurant is italian, so there's no reason why it shouldn't be authentic italian food, regardless of the fact that it's in the boondocks of china.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

See - here you go again -

Debaser says - Crazy.laowai, this sort of thing goes in the reviews section.

and again -

Blobbles says - But this isn't cool crazy.laowai... the reviews section is definitely the place for this, repeating information is bad form. Recommend deleting this thread to GoKM admins (with confirmation from crazy.laowai) to avoid duplication of data.

Can you at least begin to see what you are doing?

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