I think we need a real-life meeting of the GoKM Forum all-stars. To be held at an expat bar, of course.
Featuring (in no particular order):
* crazy.laowai (will bring wine, roast beef sandwiches, 3rd scooter, "traditional" chinese girlfriend)
* BillDan (will bring pepto-bismol, western ham)
* 123go
* Magnifico
* tigertiger
* Yuanyangren
* AlexKMG
* blobbles
* TICExpats
* bluppfisk
* nnoble
* dazzer
Next Saturday, at Salvador's or Laowo Bar?
I'll bring popcorn for the spectators.
I'm gonna sit in a corner and stare you all down
And how could I forget laotou?
Additional suggestions welcome!
Yep, I am keen! But am moving house next weekend, not sure if I can do next Saturday...
I dont know others' schedules but I prefer Salvadors and I prefer weekdays rather then weekends. Preferably during NON-peak hours - (0900-1100) or (1400-1600).
Ha ha, it depends how many forum users want me dead.
Nobody should want anyone dead based on internet misunderstandings. If you do, you don't understand the nature of internet postings. I highly doubt that includes any of the above, just as I highly doubt anyone intends actual harm on any other one of us. I suspect we will probably get on pretty well in real life! We have possibly seen each other around anyway.
I'm too poor to pay attention...
I am out of Kunming at the moment.