
Dating Chinese Girls

angelcrazy2 (15 posts) • 0

Interesting topic.

Not sure what crazy.laowai means by saying "traditional".

Here's my definition of "a very traditinal Chinese girl":
1. "Mentally traditional", which means a girl has the morals of old China. For example,

always love her husband whatever he is. We have a saying "Go with your husband no matter whether you marry a 'cock' or a 'dog'. "

"Xiang fu jiao zi", which means taking good care of her husband and teaching their kids well.

Respect her parents-in-law no matter how they treat her.
Not eat sitting at the table with men.

Being very dillegent. Do all the housework at home.
etc. etc.

2. "Sexually traditional"—-
A girl remains virgin until the night of the wedding.

She could not have sex with anyone else except her husband, even if she's widowed, she could not remarry or have sex with anyone.

A girl could not show her lust for sex. Sex is sth. dirty.
So, it's hard to tell whether a girl is traditional or not just by appearance unless you know her very well and even live together for some time.

Besides, many of our traditions have disappeared or are disappearing over time. Divorce rate is increasing sharply; women show what they want in bed; girls are more materialistic when choosing future husbands..."traditional" comes from "tradition". In 30 or 40 years, I'm sure "traditional" would have new definition with the changing of "tradition".

Maybe crazy.laowai means "shy" when he says "traditional"? If she's a shy girl, you had better take your time to get to know what she really wants. Patience is necessary.

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

Déjà vu all over again. I may be wrong but this troll and @lalataille seem to use the same sort of bait.

latataille (118 posts) • 0

Geezer, seriously? Are you so obsessed that you are digging up posts from two years ago to "prove" some crazy conspiracy theory of yours?

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

Matt, the only way there could be a conspiracy is if you and your alter egos are doing it. Come to think about it, crazy.laowai/tommann/mmkunmimgteacher/latataille does seem to constitute a narcissistic cabal engaged in a troll oriented activity.

atwillden (109 posts) • 0


Considering you've changed your name 3 times (tomman, mm, and now this one) and keep saying that you are done with GK, only to then come back with a new user name, there doesn't seem to be much of a conspiracy theory as there is a statement of reality. Moreover, your posts are largely the same, and do not often seem to come out of any logical place (IE, why start a thread about where to meet Chinese women when in the past you have posted at length about living like a king/local with your Chinese girlfriend; why ask about why foreigners eat bad food only to say that you know all the reasons and that all other opinions are subordinate to yours, because you are a chef/teacher/sociologist/psychiatrist/gastronomist/scientist/guru/ who obviously knows better).

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

@blobbles. woah! yourself boy. only mentioned how long i was here to qualify what i said. no intention of macking it elite as the site would then have few contribvutuors.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

point to note, even if tomman, mm and latt are all the same person, and all persona act like trolls, does not mean that all trolls are mm/tomm/latt. it really is time to stop the witch hunt/cyber stalking wich is worse than trolling. people should be allowed to move on, if indeed they buck fu88 up again, and then maybe create a new id to try again. FFS we have enought to worry about with the odd sock puppet without turning on ourselves. certain people may be smug gits, others are paranoid, and others who witch hunt(gotta wonder what their propblems are)

Daithi (426 posts) • 0


"FFS we have enought to worry about with the odd sock puppet without turning on ourselves."

Well said that man! Ur dead right!

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

"FFS we have enough to worry about with the odd sock puppet without turning on ourselves."

Can someone please explain what that means? I don't get it.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

FFS = for fuc* sake. sockpuppet is a type of puppet made from a sock, and you put your hand inside. sockpuppet troll is an id used to distort or change the conversation, fox news does it on comments, and so do some governments. others are just members of the 5jiao army.

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