
Dating Chinese Girls

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Dazzer, Geezer, Liuming, Magnifico, 123go - If it sounds like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck or a Gaoxing. I also thought this was Gaoxing but then I checked that Crazy has 195 previous forum posts, and he has only been here since April. Busy guy for a newbie right Tonyaod?

Yes, it is true, this is a valid question - if OP was 17 years old or even 22 years old. I thought you were in Beijing before? Let me see? At least 3 months in Kunming and how long in Beijing? How long does someone have to live in China before they are NO longer called Newbies?

Chingis, I agree with your plea to the moderator.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

Hey Crazy, keep us up to date on every minute detail of your life, whether it be truth, half-truth, or complete and utter fabrication. Let us know how your imaginary dates with multiple non-existent westerner and chinese girlfriends work out for you.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Crazy - I am wondering? What languages did you teach before? You stated that you have taught languages (plural) for years.

I am a 33 year old English teacher from French Louisiana. I will be in Kunming for about a year, then will be opening my own language schools around the world. I am educated with a Master's Degree in Languages. I have taught languages for years, including university level.

123go (145 posts) • 0

Ok, cute, be nice. Crazy Laowai had gotten a hole in the lung in Beijing, don't get him a hole in his heart any more in kunming.

Nicy Zhu (45 posts) • 0

In my view,buy a bunch of red rose to her...communicate with her what you thought,and know what she thinks of you.

Nowadays,Chinese girls are usually traditional outside,but if she likes you, then she could be pretty open.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

yes, what bucko said..... while your western girlfriend is watching! and then take her to wicker basket on your scooter. and get lost on the way.

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

Magnifico bucko and Dazzer need to calm the hell down. You are making this site look like its only to be used for laowai that have been in Kunming for a long time - very cliquish. New people that come here want to know stuff too, if you don't like all the posts crazy.laowai has you don't have to read them or put inane and insulting comments on them. It makes newbies and even regular posters scared to post anything that might seem common knowledge to a seasoned Kunming laowai.

I guess the question is: Do you want this to be a helpful community or a cliquish gang where you can rant at peoples ignorance or misunderstandings? You seem to be wanting the latter when we should really be aiming for the former.

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