
Dating Chinese Girls

Chingis (242 posts) • 0

Mod, as per the forum instructions, if I decide to launch into an attack on a certain individual here, will you promise to remove the thread at moderators discretion?

Would you instead preempt my personal attack by deleting the thread now? Please
OP, if you are going to write on such inane topics, can you at least say something funny? I'd even accept smart or incisive...

crazy.laowai (242 posts) • 0

Chingis, I hardly see how asking dating advice about a different culture is "inane." Now, do you have any constructive advice, as per the thread's title?

123go (145 posts) • 0

oh my了个god,您无敌,what the hell, You win!!!

Still alive after getting a hole on your lung in beijing and now start dating traditional chinese girls in kunming! Admire you.
traditional? how traditional? what kind of traditional? how you define traditional?
Can you give some expressions about a traditional western girl at first? there is no traditional western girl?

The Best Advice for you: Each person is different, just listern to yourself.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the "crazy laowai dating traditional chinese girls in kunming campaign".

Keep every little detail in your dairy.

crazy.laowai (242 posts) • 0

Why are you all being suck jerks? It is a valid question.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

@crazy.laowai just ignore these guys, they're just jaded old China hacks out for a little fun at your expense. You're a newbie so you'd had no idea the kind of fun we had years back and probably wouldn't know who "gaoxing" is.

As to your question, I will not give any advise as I have none to give.

Incidentally, if you are working where I think you are working, my wife might possibly know of you.


Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

Nothing wrong with being a jaded old China hack, by the way. And no insults were intended. It was just a tongue-in-cheek comment. I, myself am also a jaded old China hack.


Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

crazy is just keeping us informed of his daily life. He can't very well just announce he is dating a Western lady, he asks a question. He just can't say he bought a new scooter, he asks where and how to buy it. We are to be impressed that at 33 he has a masters degree, is an accomplished chef of French cuisine.

In nearly 200 posts he has pretty well let us know just about everything he is up to.

Who cares? Here, in these forums, he gets the maximum play to feed his narcissistic condition.

Is it real or is it his fantasy? Seems pretty normal stuff to me and the unusual aspect is his is his clever use of "valid questions" to feed his narcissism.

Who cares?

pawei (2 posts) • 0

Kundu of course is a is a big source,but I'd keep it old school like parks & universities. There are hundrets of nice girls out there,not because we are Brad Pitt handsome,but because we let them first through the door,we don't smoke,spitt or pick our noses all the time. That's how I end up with my Kunming wife,we have a great boy and life is good here

TICexpats (207 posts) • 0

In my experience Crazy "traditional girls" don't date Laowia, they wouldn't be very traditional if they did.

Having said that a lot of girls/ women like to call themselves traditional, when in many ways they are not.

So without knowing this girl it's an impossible question to give you a clear answer.

Just this Traditional - sex = marriage

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