I have been noticing a lot of small but interesting changes in the enforcement of control on foreigners both around me (in shanghai) as well as reading a lot on the net (particularly about Beijing).
I am interested to hear what kind of changes people see and feel in kunming? And why you think those things are changing? For example there are now frequently dogs on the subway here in shanghai (checking for explosizes they say) and it seems like house visits by the psb are more frequent in BJ. One of the few things i read about kunming is a brief article (biz.yahoo.com/prnews/080317/cnm027.html?.v=11) that details the 209 million rmb contract award for a video surveillence system for kunming. It is supposed to begin construction by the middle of 2008.
the reason i am asking this is because i am interested in other peoples experiences and there is no news about it. I am a student in shanghai and decided to write a paper for this term on the recent changes in control on foreigners.