
oriental spices?

shamolihua (13 posts) • 0

where in KMG can I get oriental spices, like for indian dishes.... cumin, cardamom, turmeric.... I checked carrefour and it was very poor, oh, and I couldn`t even find desiccated coconut withOUT sugar (btw., is it just me or do you also hate the way chinese put sugar in EVERYthing except salt...? :)))) I`ve been around China for pretty long now but never get used to this....

sanyiseul (104 posts) • 0

Metro is having Cumin and Turmeric, also non sweet coconut milk.

Cardamom can be bought at the spice whole salers at the big fish market close to the PSB. (One old guy in the second floor is having almost everything)

mike4g_air (788 posts) • 0

If you want some curry from Nepal I have a big bag of it to share, I'll also be going to Nepal next month and would be happy to bring you some spices.

anne_kmg (16 posts) • 0

Hi sanyiseul,

just stumbled upon this rather out-dated forum discussion but was wondering whether you could please post the exact location of the spice whole saler.


Johnson02 (11 posts) • 0

I was in a bakery today and I saw a guy with a big pile of Cliff bars on his table. I was tempted to make this guy an offer for them, but figured its probably not polite.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

Most wet markets will have someone selling bulk spices. They also have the means of grinding them from whole.
I think I paid 20 rmb for 50g of cardamom. The pods were ground to a fine powder after purchase, on request.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

For many South Asian spices the local market may not be sufficient. You might ask someone at the Indian restaurant on Wenhuaxiang - anyway, you probably need to find a South Asian.

Little bottles of various herbs and spices, many imported, are available at the Wicker Basket.

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