
KRFC Kunming Rugby Football Club

Merzei (101 posts) • 0

After a fantastic World Cup does anybody out there feel inspired to pick up a rugby ball? A while back a poster from Chengdu mentioned that they had a regular rugby team. The idea is to set up a side here with a goal to inviting them down here or travelling up there to play them in a match. Perhaps it would be best to aim for a sevens or a tens side at first. We could start here with games of touch rugby before switching to contact. Along with myself I know of one American who has played in College and two Chinese who haven't played rugby but are good athletes and keen to give it a shot. Everyone is welcome regardless of nationality or experience. Kunming Tiger if you see this – as the most knowledgable rugby person I know of in Kunming it'd be great to have you on board in a playing/coaching role depending on whether there are enough numbers to go ahead. If all goes well I'll get in contact with the Chengdu guys and try and set up a sevens/10s/15s match/pissup.

Merzei (101 posts) • 0

And if anyone has ideas for a better name or a logo that preferably has something to do with Kunming/Yunnan history etc or any other ideas at all let us know

davo123 (12 posts) • 0

saw your post on the other place, I'm really interested. so how many people you got in total at the moment?

Merzei (101 posts) • 0

Hi guys great to hear from you - a couple of others have also sent PMs. With myself and the others I mentioned that's a total of eight so far - enough for a game of touch and a meet and greet anyway. I'm a kiwi thats played amateur rugby more or less my whole lkife – Im 30 now – mostly at flanker but lately at lock. In terms of organising times and a venue etc can people let me know what days suit them? I have my weekends free so I prefer a Saturday or a Sunday but I understand a lot of us – especially the teachers out there have to work on the weekends. Drop me a PM on gokunming or write to me at tristram.barker@gmail.com

I don't have a ball but I know where I can get one and fast. Boots might be an issue later ( I brought my own from overseas) but I wouldn't worry about it at first especially as the grounds are pretty hard over here (which should make tackling fun as well)

Nicarlos (7 posts) • 0

Ill be keen as mate as we talked about last week. I will have to miss out on the operational start up phase though unfortunately with travel plans back to NZ ( I hear theres a coaching role up for grabs some team ALL BLACKS or something along those lines, might try my hand.)

Other than that put me down for a late April start. Ill fit in anywhere along the back line. If my late registration means I miss a starting spot in the team, I'm pretty good at cutting oranges too.

Would be bloody awesome to get back and see a bit of Kunming ruga going on.

Team names..

As for foods I have the..
Kunming Rice noodles?

Kunming Digou Oilers?

Kunming Wild shroomers?

As for animals we have the..

Kunming Tigers? (presuming the tiger gets on board of course)

Kunming Flying Tigers? (going one step further)

As for local attractions the..

Kunming Subway Survivers? (Might help drumming up supporters)

Kunming Salvadors? (Might help drumming up sponsorship for Jerseys)

Merzei (101 posts) • 0

Kunming Tigers is a bit of a no-brainer aye? I like it.

10, maybe 11 people keen. That's enough at least for a kickaround and a game of touch. I'll be working all day this saturday (a once off) but I'm free on Friday and Sunday. Davo you've got a ball what day suits you? Anyone know a good central park we can play at before I start ringing around - preferably free. We won't need a whole field at this stage

davo123 (12 posts) • 0

haha kunming tiger nice one and Merzei sory mate I won't be in country until early january next year, was just really interested and excited at the possibility of playing a bit of footy while in Kunming sorry :(

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