I wanna be Baped out, Gucc'd out, Nik'd out, balled out, designer jeans and icecream kicks so clean, i'll drop the green on them things
only if they are fake and cheap though, ne1 know where?
I wanna be Baped out, Gucc'd out, Nik'd out, balled out, designer jeans and icecream kicks so clean, i'll drop the green on them things
only if they are fake and cheap though, ne1 know where?
According to my daughter (and she's a native Kunming girl), any Chinese shop will be selling counterfeit clothing. The hard thing to do in Kunming is to find original label stuff.
Yep, pretty much everywhere you will find counterfeit clothing except at the actual branded stores. The problem is that there are stores that LOOK like branded stores, sell stuff that LOOKs real, charge the same price (or close to) as if it WERE real but its fake. Good way to make money right? If you want to find fake clothes, you should find the real stores (use the manufacturers website) and shop for the same label anywhere but there. Then you will be buying fake, but possibly paying the same price for it.
Sounds like an episode of Seinfeld right?