
House cleaner

Sambo (3 posts) • 0

Does anyone know of a good house cleaner, or a way of finding a house cleaner?
What's the going rate? And is it the norm to give your keys to them and let them clean while you are at work?

zlif23 (159 posts) • 0

昆明雨霖家政服务公司 tel:5613161
jia zheng gongsi 家政公司 is a service place that usually has lots of cleaning ladies and other service workers. it seems like a agent.

piers (144 posts) • 0

My cleaning lady charges 10 kuai per hour and she has keys to my place.

She isn't the greatest cleaner but turns up and tidies the place up, mops the floor, does laundry etc... Most importantly she's trustworthy.

Some of the cleaning companies provide cleaners who are much much better but charge more. A few weeks ago got a company to come in, they charged 20 kuai per hour per person (2 guys) and did a great job. Not sure I'd leave them with keys though...

mien in kunming (4 posts) • 0

Hi all,

Do not use the one listed below. They charge more than other places and are not thorough, from my experience. Cheers!
"昆明雨霖家政服务公司 tel:5613161
jia zheng gongsi 家政公司 is a service place that usually has lots of cleaning ladies and other service workers. it seems like a agent."

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