
Did you ever see me?

gaoxing (63 posts) • 0

Did anyone on here ever see me at Salvador's?

When I was in Kunming I used to go there quite often.

If you guess who I was, I will confirm if you are right.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Real or otherwise the value of 'Gaoxing' is the mystery and growing mythology. Becoming a reality may not be a good marketing move since reality may not live up to expectations. Shangrila v Zhongdian is a good example. Nothing at all wrong with the latter but it doesn't match up to the mythical former. A real Gaoxing may turn out to be a really decent chap - then what?

gaoxing (63 posts) • 0

No, I am not some old bald guy. I am rather young <30 and have dark brown hair. I am also not fat.

Some day in the future, I will return to Kunming and I will have a Gaoxing "meet and greet" at Salvadors.

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