Hi everone. Just came China to and are thinking can i should teach engrish to you. i 5 years have lived in country that many white people visited and then the time i talked to them sometimes. emaila me and we chould chat aboot prices. just a nother topic, wonderin how much i could charge for you to pay me when i teach english?
Is this a joke? (You live in what country long distance and speak English pretty good looking?)
looks like ur english comes from a very special place...
may i know ur teaching methods...:/
i think aiyaryar also would like to know .... rite dude
Charges should depend on quality. You should not be charging more than 1 yuan per lesson.
This was blugnutterbutter's Friday evening:
1. Surf the internet until nearly suicidal with boredom
2. Suddenly hit on the brilliant idea of a crank posting
3. Register for a new handle on gokunming
4. Spend a half hour attempting to craft a broken-English post ostensibly from an English teacher
5. Laugh at own wit
6. Refresh gokunming every five minutes, waiting for someone to reply to his post
7. Begin constructing noose