
Chiropractor in Kunming?

dbfan (20 posts) • 0

Does anyone know of a Chiropractor in Kunming. My neck has been killing be lately. Went to a Chiropractor back in the States and it provided relief but he said I would need some more visits. Just wondering if anyone as any experience with one here. Thanks in advance!

somenick (107 posts) • 0

I had the same problem, the TCM hospital on 五一路 is great. They know what they're doing. They might recommend an xray but other than that it's priced reasonably. There are also doctors that speak English. Second floor, the building nearest the corner of the street.


Good luck, don't ignore it for too long it won't really go away by itself.

dbfan (20 posts) • 0

Cheers! Thanks for the advice. Will check it out. Are walk-ins accepted or is it by appointment?

somenick (107 posts) • 0

walk-in ok.. doctors told me it's better to come in the afternoon, it's not as busy. But I'm not sure what time they close, maybe 6 like other offices?

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