
KM-guilin (yangshuo)

shani23 (8 posts) • 0


i wanna go from kunming to guilin/yangshuo what ever possible
what is the best easiest way to do that?


hedgepig (273 posts) • 0

best easiest? bust it out of town in your Porsche Cayenne, demanding that your driver flattens as many pedestrians and cyclists as he can, knowing that the WJ plate you're rockin' makes you invincible. screech into the airport, see to it that all the bewildered laobaoxing first-time fliers get a nice fat delay on their flights back to BF nowhere, hop into the new Gulfstream that you just threw down for with money that you took from folk now bumping back to BF nowhere on the bus koz they can no longer afford to fly. land in Guilin, get met by the manager of a hotel who owes you one koz you helped him scam the land for his hotel from the local farmers, hop into his Porsche Cayenne, congratulate him on his great taste in cars, rock it down the highway, admiring how he flattens as many pedestrians and cyclists as he can. pull into Yangshuo, realise it's not commercialised enough for you to enjoy throwing down the proletariat's money on imported brand-name luxury goods. spend the evening getting smashed on fake liquor, and get into a drunken fight with some foreign backpackers you don't like the look of. they don't understand China. resolve to go to Shanghai next time.

oh, you're laobaixing? overnight train to Guilin, leaves 18:33 or 19:30, 281 for a hard sleeper middle, arrives noonish the next day. this info is from www.tielu.org - it can be a little erroneous sometimes. if you're not near the train station, buy tickets here: www.gokunming.com/[...] - there's a 5 kuai booking fee. from Guilin, take a bus to Yangshuo, something like 20 kuai. have a good trip.

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