
Kunming Tap Water

ricsnapricsnap (193 posts) • +1

Excellent info about these testing places, Hugo! But I am really interested in knowing whether your values have gone up during these years... Do you drink just filtered and bottle water as most of us? Thanks.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • +3

I had a full screening of heavy metals done in the military before I left the USA 14 years ago.

I have done the tests twice since I have been here. I do the tests every 5 years to notice if there are any differences.

I do not buy bottled water. We use boiled tap water only. The only test that showed a tiny increase (0.01+) was the fluoride test as they are putting that crap into everything now.

I do not eat any seafood, especially any type of bottom feeders as that is where most of the heavy metals usually end up in

Geezer (1953 posts) • +1

At the VA hospital last month, two doctors were discussing some of my lab results specifically fluctuating results in liver tests. One question asked was if I had eaten a lot of fish.

Today, I read about some 700 cases of "cholangiocarcinoma," being treated by the VA, which may be caused by: "Parasites ingested in raw or poorly cooked river fish. These liver flukes attach to the lining of the bile duct and, over time, cause inflammation and scarring. Decades after infection, a rare cancer called cholangiocarcinoma can develop. Symptoms typically do not occur until advanced stages."

I rarely eat fish, primarily for the reason HFCAMPO gives above. I am not worried myself, but fish eaters should think about this:



Alien (3819 posts) • -2

So cook fish well. Fish is usually pretty well cooked here. Has little to do with the tap water.

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