
Kunming Tap Water

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Is there anything that can explain the difference between an 8 and a 15 RMB 19L bottle of water?

I'd really like to know whether the premium price is delivering a premium product or is this is simply a gigantic racket.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • +1

8 rmb is a price I have not heard of for a few years. I would be suspicious of the 8 rmb product. 10 seems more the norm.

The 15 rmb would be the branded spring water. As a spring water, it is less likely to contain pollutants.

JanJal (1244 posts) • 0

Bucko, is your argument that the more expensive water branded as spring water is stil filtered (spring) water, or was your comment for the cheaper water only?

That said, I think _some_ form of filtering should apply for any commercial water, anywhere - even in the cleanest freshwater reservoirs in Europe of whatever, some people can't cope with the fish pooping and peeing in the water they drink.

bucko (695 posts) • +1

None of the water is "purified". It is all filtered. Purification is too expensive and time consuming for water companies to adopt.
You must do it yourself.

nnoble (889 posts) • +1

I think this emphasis on 'purity' is a diversion. At home I can drink water from the tap and it legally has to be safe for consumption.

If anything happens that temporarily makes it unsafe to drink then the public is alerted to the fact. Consumers want to know about 'safety' for them and their families.

Water can be impure AND still safe.

The term 'Purity' sometimes appears to be used as a marketing gimmick instilling fear where there is nothing to be fearful about.

So far I'm no wiser now than when I set out and I think the entire industry thrives on this deliberate obfuscation.

rejected_goods (349 posts) • 0

well, I can buy a bottle of 1Litre distilled water for 80 cents rmb at the petrol outlets for car batteries in Shenzhen. the bottle of distilled water is indeed PURE water. yes, it has been tested to be very pure. so how much is for 19 bottles? :-)

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

You can buy distilled water for drinking. I have seen bottles up to 1 Ltr, and cheaper than mineral water. I think that is what Watson's water is. I am not sure if they do the big ones.

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