
Subway sandwich shop

seahorse62 (141 posts) • 0

I've heard rumors that a Subway opened near Metro on Beichen walking street. Yet no one I know has eaten there. Can anyone confirm the opening of a Subway?

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

I think you may have miss heard.

There is a subway (not Subway) rail line opening near Metro (not metro), but it is currently under construction.

seahorse62 (141 posts) • 0

I know there is a rail line being up and down Beijing Lu. I've not miss heard. I have a friend that told me they went to see another friend and he was drinking a soda out of a Subway cup. When they asked where he got it, he responded by saying there is a Subway on Beichen walking street. I heard it was down near Silverspoon where the elevated walkway that connects two buildings. I also heard it was up in a building not on the walking street itself. Anyways, I live down South, and I've not been up that way to check for myself. I'm going to B&Q today, and I was going to check for myself. Anyone know for sure?

JJ and Janice (324 posts) • 0

Don't believe there is a Subway sandwich shop in this area. We live in Feng Huang Cheng (just across from Metro) and ramble about the area on a daily basis.

An added note: we have been exploring the possibility of putting a Subway in the food court area of new construction at corner of Beijing Lu and Bei Chen Da Dao (where a major subway stop will be)

Who knows what the future will bring??


Alexcooper (1 post) • 0

well, i think that is the shop of my gud friend who's name is Anold. his shop is exactly at the place oppersite of the hospital in the MAYUAN distruct.just go down the way,when u reach to the subway just turn rite,u'll see the pizza shop. it names ZHAO DE ZHU pizza shop~~~~alrite,that's all i know, wish can help u some...

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