
Anyone watching the Royal Wedding tomorrow?

Texas Boy (117 posts) • 0

Mehnyaa: are you confusing the Mexico side of the border with the Texas side? And what does all that have to do with "royalty"???

mehnyaa (52 posts) • 0

lol... go play the ball boy... probably your people would know the real meaning of royalty when they get the "White House " colour right... lol... Black or white????? Depending on the occupant? then the colour is wrong then...lol

Hybrid (5 posts) • 0

For Mailman - Who gives a damn? Maybe the million people who lined the procession route from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace. Or maybe the estmated two billion people who tuned into the live broadcast, making it one of the most viewed events in history. Or maybe all the people who watched it on the internet, with Akamai (who handled the transmission of live streams from the wedding for dozens of websites around the world, most notably Fox News and CBS) reporting a record traffic with a peak of 2.9 million live streams over it's entire network, which easily beat the previous record of 1.6 million streams during the World Cup in South Africa.
Don't presume that everyone in the world shares your cynical, sneering views. Maybe now you can get back to watching your asinine cartoon.

Texas Boy (117 posts) • 0

Just because lots of folks watched the pageant doesn't make participants "royalty." Lots of folks also watch the circus - does that make the clowns "royalty?"

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

When I read Alice in Wonderland as a kid I never thought then it would help me translate from American. I mean 'American', not English.

mailman (48 posts) • 0

to Hybrid.
You're absolutely right! I can't wait to see the next episode of South Park. The show isn't perfect but the worst characters on SP produce a better impression than any member of the royal family)))

Hybrid (5 posts) • 0

For mailman- Did you even read my posting? I don't understand your logic. If what you say is true, then why did so many people watch the royal wedding? It even made the front page of the local newspaper here in the west of Red China. If the only response you can give to my posting is to make puerile comments about the royal family, then i can only presume that all those episodes of South Park have had a very negative effect on you. But considering the content of the average episode, that is hardly surprising.

And another thing, please let me know which country you are from, so that i can rip into your head of state and their family, just like you have done to mine. It's only fair.

mehnyaa (52 posts) • 0

The world recognizes them as Royalties...... enough said....
For those who don't, go back to your own world, live in your own 'reality'...

mehnyaa (52 posts) • 0

@ nnoble... what language was it when you read Alice in the Wonderland?? What language do you speak back home??what language did you use to write on here?? lol....

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