
Blocks on Wikipedia - a good thing?

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@HFCampo: Wiki is certainly not perfect, but what evidence is there that it is a mouthpiece of the US Government?

Heller (62 posts) • 0

Alien, there isn't any. But if you're obsessed with a website that describes itself thus:

'Largest multimedia hub and alternative news website about UFO Videos, Ancient Mysteries, Conspiracy Theories, Top Secrets, N.W.O. & more!'

You're likely to believe anything.

Disclose.tv The truth will set you free...

...if you're a card carrying, swivel-eyed loon.

Heller (62 posts) • 0

If it's garbage and nonsense you're after, have a quick browse on the disclose.tv website. Here are some recent headlines...

Breaking: Photos PROVE Crashed Malaysian Jet was MH-370!

Space aliens walk among us?

Space program should end because aliens are going to hell anyway

Did new dad capture ghost in photo taken at a UK hospital?

There Is Some Hope That We Aren't Living Inside a Computer Simulation

Apollo 11 UFO encounter recounted by Astronaut Buzz Aldrin

US 'kidnaps' Russian MP's son to 'exchange him for Snowden'

The Malaysian Jet story is quite twisted when you think about the missing and the dead from both tragedies. But at least we have a bit of hope that we're not living in The Matrix, so that's comforting.

Coming up next on Disclose: Breaking News: The World is Square.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

It is better to be thought a fool then open your mouth and prove it.

Here is the BIG question - what does your ridiculous rants have to do with Wikipedia? NO need to reply - absolutely nothing.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

I think his ridiculous rant came off that ridiculous website you cite so often. Anyways, Heller, conspiracy believers have been proven to react similar to cultists. They more you try to point out the flaws, the deeper and more ingrained there belief gets. The 'attacks' confirm their worldview and like cultists or Tea Party members their reality would collapse if doubt ever entered.

Heller (62 posts) • 0

'Could Obama be Supporting the Rise of ISIS'.

Pure gold.

I'd say, after only the briefest perusal, that over 50% of the stories on there are dedicated to UFO's/aliens.

This is a website that you not only admit to reading, but actively promote.

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