Anyone know of a massage clinic where the therapists have real skills and medical knowledge? Most of the places I have tried on the street seemed to have no idea what they were doing-and gave a "one size fits all" massage.
Anyone know of a massage clinic where the therapists have real skills and medical knowledge? Most of the places I have tried on the street seemed to have no idea what they were doing-and gave a "one size fits all" massage.
1 Blind brotherhood places. They have English signs (but don't speak English - can't see either, but that's another story).
2 traditional chinese medicine hospitals have trained therapists. Example - TCM hospital on WuYi - 2nd floor, Building 2. Follow your nose - moxibustion.
Echo the comment about Blind Massage.
Also look for practitioners in white coats, with medical charts on the walls. They usually display their medical cert on the wall, you can check when you go inside.
A lot of people like this one in the Wenlin Jie area:
There are dozens of such places, but you will have to be able to communicate what's wrong and what you want done in Chinese. Even after that, no matter how good the establishment, a lot will still depend on the skill of the individual therapist who is treating you.