I knew your HK tales were nothing but a dream. But now, I am compelled to tell you a story based on my actual experience.
I've got a surprise for you, and it's the truth and as they say, the truth hurts. And as they also say, you cannot judge the book by its cover. Granted, there may be exceptions to the rule. The women who gave you the whiplashes in Hong Kong are more likely mainland Chinese and not Hong Kongers! In the past decade plus years I've live in HK, I've witnessed an interesting evolution in HK's fashion trends. The HK OL's (office ladies) in Central District aside, there has been a gradual role reversal in the dress code between the typical HK citizens and the typical Mainland Chinese visitors. My HK friends also attest to this ever-changing scenery & reality.
These well groomed and well dressed people you see are mostly nouveau riche Mainland Chinese on frequent shopping sprees in HK. The give-away is always the Putonghua and distinct mannerisms. HK people seem to hold an undercurrent of contempt for them but not realizing that HK's surviving retail sector of the economy, in recent years, owes much to these visitors. They look chic because they know how to apply makeup and dress fashionably. Everywhere in Central, one cannot help but notice they can rival or "out-packaged" even the attention seekers at the swankest enclaves of New York City, my hometown and one of the major fashion capitals of the world. They are the same people that all international name brand establishments recognize by the cover and greet with mechanical open arms and rehearsed smiles as wide as the cash register; even in legionary snobby Paris.
As for the HK food that agrees with your stomach, it's Cantonese (Guangdong) cuisine, often regarded by most Chinese as the best of the 5 distinctive regional Chinese cuisines. However, much of HK's reputation for Cantonese food was lost to Canada & Australia (Due to more liberal immigration requirements) in an exodus that began a few years before the 1997 Handover. Today, HK food in general, Cantonese or Western, is mediocre and does not come close to the Cantonese food in Guangzhou. A truly memorable meal in HK would require much effort in endless research and even some denominations printed in golden yellow.
In case anyone didn't know, HK was under British colonial rule from 1842 to 1997 (Result of the first Opium War 1839-1842, which Britain, in a trade dispute, declared on China for burning the opium – Dissimilar to the Boston Tea Party that ignited the American Revolution). Ted Kopple (The well respected original ABC News anchor on Nightline) recalled in a broadcast during the 1997 Handover on HK of his experience in the 1960's by telling how he was ushered from the end of a long line to the front at the HK post office: "for no reason other than I was white".
HK people may superficially still "kowtow" to Caucasians, because die-hard habits that were instilled from generation to generation are difficult to erase. Or perhaps, it's the hostage turned sympathizer after being held captive for a prolonged period psychology. But I sense HK subculture still harbors much resentment towards the Westerner for all of the mistreatment suffered in the 155 colonial years. In my opinion, HK people today enjoy more freedoms than when the Brits ruled.
Gaoxing, I believe it's not xenophobia that caused you to pen all of the negative comments in GoKunming Forum. I get the feeling you are young, emotional and very impatient, but not a bad person after all. Whatever your real reason(s) for having chosen Kunming as your initial China destination, other than what you have bluntly stated, a little less emotional outbursts and more patience on your part would have made you many friends in Kunming. I doubt your reason to study the Chinese language, even if just for one semester, was part of you life plan to chase tails in China. Somehow, I don't believe you have given up Kunming for good, at least not in your heart. Be truly honest and consistent and you'll more likely to find the doors of Kunming, and doors wherever you choose to knock on, will open with warm and welcome arms.