
Hay hispanohablantes aqui?

mien in kunming (4 posts) • 0

Just wanted to get in touch with the Spanish speakers....so as to keep up with my Spanish. Do you guys know of any group that gets together to practise etc? Thanks!

chris (144 posts) • 0

Actually Bernie, I would say this is a legitimate post for a forum...

There is a rapidly growing Spanish-speaking population in Kunming including people from Spain, Colombia, Mexico, the US, Canada and elsewhere. I don't know if there are many people looking to practice their Spanish, but maybe you can find someone via our classifieds section. Also, the Hump Bar occasionally hosts Latin-themed parties -- there is plenty of Spanish spoken at these events. I hope that helps. - Chris

Asafrpei (19 posts) • 0

Hola!, si yo hablo español, en un post anterior habia puesto si habia alguien interesado en aprender español...
de donde eres? yo estare viviendo en kunming desde febrero, ahora mismo no me encuentro en china, pero desde febrero estare alla!, saludos!

mi email es nofxrpei@yahoo.com

en caso desees contactarme!

Asafrpei (19 posts) • 0

I hope theres no problem about writing in spanish here... if so... please forgive me... i was just giving some contact info.. thats all...

mien in kunming (4 posts) • 0

Thanks Chris! very helpful! will look out for events at the Hump Bar and post on the classifieds.
Hola Asafrpei, mucho gusto a conocerte por el foro. gracias por responderme. Vivia en los EEUU por unos anos y viaje a unos paises en america latina. Ya me mude a Kunming y extrano a todas las cosas de ahi. Hablamos mas por email entonces. Hasta luego!

Asafrpei (19 posts) • 0

Hola Mien, mucho gusto por aqui tambien!, bueno yo soy peruano, pero al momento estoy viviendo en Republica Dominicana. Llego a Kunming en Febrero, y dime una pregunta de donde eres? y por cierto si usas msn messenger, me puedes agregar tambien ahi, uso este email para el msn: black_rpei@hotmail.com
Bueno espero noticias tuyas, cuidate! un saludo!

Bernie (101 posts) • 0

I stand corrected, mainly because . . . I can't read it anymore. :D
Actually, perhaps someone will do us a favour and review the Espana Restaurant?

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