
WTF!! DD Dragon.

abcdabcd (428 posts) • 0

one of the most important skills to develop in life is having a good bullshit detector.

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

Here we go again,
If you are not happy with the pay, don't take the job or negotiate until you get dizzy.
Nobody forces you to take 'the' job.

You guys are far too general about the so called 'bad' teachers.
As for teaching quality, it has nothing to do about the background of the teacher or how many degrees they have.

Our company employs foreign teachers and they don't all have degrees besides their Teaching certificates but they are highly motivated, they love their work and get paid very well. I have one teacher studying Chinese and she told me and the parents, that she will leave in 6 month and everyone agreed it would be no problem. She does a fantastic job, so what?

Our teachers,
In fact get paid exactly what a highly qualified teacher gets.

The issue is not who is waving a paper in their hand, claiming they can teach (which is not how this works). Plus lack of teaching quality is not the fault of the teacher (only) but the responsibility of the director of studies.

He/she should be the one applying training and supervising the teachers. If they are suckers they should have their chance of redemption, or if not getting fired. Any school without a proper director of study is not really a school since there is no academic leadership.

So whoever claims that they should get paid better because of their papers, should prove it first in the classroom, and then after some trial period and frequent evaluation, should have their chat about a raise.

The salary in Kunming is bad? That depends. In my previous jobs in Kunming I managed to get a very good, BJ or SH competitive, pay.
I think it depends how you sell yourself and what results you deliver.

That many schools are trying to rip you off, yes...maybe, they try to skim every buck out of your pay, sure there are schools like that but again nobody forces you to take their job. I made my losses on the way but I think if you keep a few things in mind, you will be safe.

I found it helpful to talk to the staff at a new school and check with whoever the academic head is and ask a few challenging question. If I think it's a school that is just established as a money-mill, I'm out.

I know about four school that stand out for good pay, good teaching, good teaching directors, and satisfied, teachers/studetns/customers.
DD Dragon is not one of them to my knowledge.

About the Visa situation, the legal work permit most people get is not as legal as they think. Or run through a guanxi thing, so careful there as well. As I mentioned in a previous post I think there are maybe 2-4 school in KMG with a real, real, real Z-Visa offer.

Unreal (1 post) • 0

If you are unhappy, it is your own fault.
You are here because nobody will give you a job where you come from.
Nobody will hire you because you are a malcontent.
The problem with attacking someone online is that it isn't real.
Getting put flat on your back in public and not being able to defend yourself is very real.
If you are so unhappy, then leave China.
The truth is the truth.

Murdock69 (9 posts) • 0

Hey the money is not the issue, the fact that they promise a form of credible qualifications is the issue. China is not the only esl county, and having more qualifications makes it easier to secure a better opportunity.

Coming to this county, you expect to have some sort of honesty, but that does not seem to bet be the case.
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