
What's the catch here?

Danmairen (510 posts) • 0

I sometimes search Baidu for 昆明二手车 and many of these sites will show up on the first page. The thing is that they sell cars for what seem to be one third of what the real second hand price ought to be or less. Can anyone -presumably with better Chinese than mine- tell me what the catch is? Or if there's some kind of scam involved? I can tell that the cars are not from Yunnan so there should be some kind of inter-province transport involved, still, these prices can't be real.

Here are some examples:


Narci (2 posts) • 0

The price on the website is sooooo cheap...
I don't think it's real...

I think go to a second hand car market locate in Kunming is a better choice...

tiger1986 (43 posts) • 0

Yes always be cautious when buying a car, especially online sources of information are not reliable for this kind of goods

shadowave (8 posts) • 0

Agree with tiger1986.

It is believed my many local people that only a few B2C or B2B websites are trusted like taobao.com, dangdang.com etc.

When we talk about second hand cars, the ONLY reliable path to get one, is to check those things face to face, with a local guy.

John Xie (109 posts) • 0

I'm a Chinese. I'm sure that this is scam. how do they scam? they are never a local dealer. so they request you to put a deposit from 1000-3000rmb then they will transport the car to you. the contact the left is always a cellphone number/ no fixed line/ no address in detail. if there's any picture of theire company. then obviously you could spot that their name are PSed. check out this as an example. www.ybescmyyxgs.com/

Danmairen (510 posts) • 0

Yup. As they say, if it sounds too good to be true.. I somehow missed the 1000-3000 "deposit", which would have set off lots of alarm bells. Maybe they could use a handful of the 50.000 strong internet police to close down these sites instead of Youtube and Google.

JonathanMiller (76 posts) • 0

Be cautious when buying ANYTHING from Tiger 1986. He sold me a TV for rmb 1000 which I cannot make work.

I have tried numerous times to contact this person who has not returned my calls nor messages.

I guess Tiger1986 is an expert on the subject as he is also unreliable.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

Sorry, I just read this very quickly. According to this article, there's a search scam at Baidu. Not sure if it's related to what you've posted though...


Baidu's "Scam-y" Search Results


JonathanMiller (76 posts) • 0



But this is a scam being peratrated right here in our own GoKunming community.

Tiger1986 aka Thief1986 has been using our site to sell goods that he knows are bad stealing money from the hard working people here.

I am not yet sure how many people Tiger1986 has stolen from in Kunming, but when I get the full count I will share it with the other decent people in our community.

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